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Design of experiments in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2024-04-29Updated:2024-04-29
Similar words: experiment designexperimental designexperimentexperimentalexperimenterexperiment onexperimentallyexperimentalism
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1. Daily Quality Meetings and Design of Experiments.
2. Also known as "Design of Experiments".
3. The fourth part presents the design of experiments in the study, including aims, hypo theses, subjects, instruments, process and results.
4. Design-Ease is a powerful, entry-level program for design of experiments (DOE).
5. After the augment design of experiments in promising space according to the results of RSM model in current generation, the feasible space will be emerging as the model errors deceasing.
6. FEA is a powerful tool for DOE (design of experiments).
7. The purpose of this study is to employ design of experiments (DOE) to discover important features to build simple but accurate model for support vector machine (SVM).
8. The questions focus upon the design of experiments and the interpretation of experimental results.
9. The optical design of experiments of High-power LED lighting was done on some issues, analysis and computer simulation.
10. Design of experiments , concentrating on the system model and the interaction of independent and dependent variables.
11. Using design of experiments (DoE) combined with response surface methodology (RSM) can satisfy the great incentive to reduce the number of technology CAD(TCAD) simulations that need to be performed.
12. Experience planning and conducting rigorous design of experiments and tests to validate designs.
13. Research Summaries (45%). This format provides descriptions of one or more related experiments. The questions focus upon the design of experiments and the interpretation of experimental results.
14. With the accumulation of 10 years' experiences, our company has design of experiments and other core technologies.
15. JMP provides a set of statistical tools as well as Design of Experiments and Statistical QualityControl in one package.
15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. Blending program of 7 scented teas using Uniform mixture Design of experiments was studied.
17. Examples about the construction of a parameter model of the discrepancy and an integrative optimal design of experiments are given to show the superiority of the proposed method.
18. The Response Surface Model of FMS is drafted combining the design of experiments, simulation experiments, and analysis of data by this method.
19. The data set trained for neural network is obtained by design of experiments and vortex lattice method program.
20. To optimize by this method, the convergence velocity and the optimized result are due to the design of experiments to large extent.
More similar words: experiment designexperimental designexperimentexperimentalexperimenterexperiment onexperimentallyexperimentalismexperimentationexperimentalistrandom experimentscientific experimentexperimental modelcontrol experimentexperimental errorexperimental methodcomparison experimentexperimental resultthrough an experimentexperimental stationexperimental procedureexperimental conditionexperimental psychologydesign environmentmake the sign of the crossdesign optimizationassignment statementsign-offsign offdesign criteria
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