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Deadline in a sentence

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Sentence count:217+16Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: headlinedeadlydeal inlineonlineoutlineline upin lineMeaning: [ˈdedlaɪn]  n. the point in time at which something must be completed. 
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181) Groves signed after the midday deadline while Monkou is suspended.
182) These arrangements, however, only affect policies that were applied for after the April 1987 deadline.
183) Owners are faced with a Wednesday deadline to make a decision.
184) A call for papers has been issued and the deadline for abstracts is 14 February 1992.
185) And the deadline for submitting the illustrations was getting uncomfortably close.
186) A federal law spells out the penalties for missing the deadline to cut air pollution.
187) Clark thought he was over-age, but his coach, Stan Long discovered his protege had beaten the deadline by 18 days.
188) When the trade deadline passed last week, Krause did nothing, again, to repair the damage he chose.
189) Everybody accepts that there is no chance of an agreement to extend the fast-track deadline beyond the beginning of March.
190) The pro-Good Friday agreement parties must accept the paper before the August 12 deadline or the administration could face collapse.
191) March 20 is the final deadline for legal residents to apply for new Alien Registration Cards to replace those issued before 1979.
192) We first learnt of its existence in May, some weeks after the deadline for comments had passed.
193) He designed the AD-1 Skyraider under a 24-hour deadline.
194) You can learn more about his schedulers, including the Staircase Process Scheduler and the Rotating Staircase Deadline Scheduler, which ultimately proved that fair share scheduling was possible.
195) He said he often seeks inspiration from the 1952 movie "Deadline USA, " in which Humphrey Bogart plays the managing editor of a New York newspaper who takes on the mob.
196) Proxy Forms received after the deadline of 72 hours will be null and void.
197) Rated capacity of the battery cell rated capacity refers to discharge certain conditions,[] the battery voltage discharge to the deadline for the release of electricity.
198) When his self-imposed deadline passed on Jan. 22, there were still 196 detainees housed in at the prison.
199) Last week, they organized protests around the country on tax day - the deadline for Americans to report their annual income and pay any taxes due.
200) Students entering an advanced course of study are normally required to register before the deadline.
201) In the country, the deadline for submitting your personal income return is the end of May.
202) The deadline for the project is tomorrow , and I have just enough time to snarf down something before I go back to work .
203) The deadline that Microsoft imposed on Yahoo to reach a negotiated merger agreement passed three days ago, and the two companies are still not talking.
204) Well, I am up to my neck in work. I've got to finish this report. Sarah needs it by noon. I don't want to be scolded if I can't finish my work by the deadline.
205) Allen, the No. 5 pick, has come on strong for the Celtics after the trade deadline.
205) Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
206) The next relevant date remains Friday, when the Lakers' deadline to match Ronny Turiaf's offer sheet passes.
207) President Barack Obama used Wednesday's tax - filing deadline to promise a simplification of the'monstrous tax code.
208) Everyone will be working at full steam tonight as the deadline approaches.
209) If you want to dramatically cut down the time you spend writing articles, I suggest you get an egg timer or a regular clock and set a deadline for each article.
210) Connie Hedegaard said it is very important to set the deadline "as soon as possible" in the text to be agreed upon in the Danish capital.
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