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D in a sentence

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Sentence count:198+4Posted:2016-09-09Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: [diː]  n. 1. a fat-soluble vitamin that prevents rickets 2. the cardinal number that is the product of one hundred and five 3. the 4th letter of the Roman alphabet. adj. denoting a quantity consisting of 500 items or units. 
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61. D J Fazackerley Put the audience at their ease extremely well at the outset.
62. He looked out across the darkening moor, its becks and mires, its hills d bony ridges of granite.
63. To get the clean price we subtract the interest that has been accruing at the rate of d percent up to that day.
64. D.,( there began to appear on the Roman horizon disturbing signs of cultural decline and moral decay.
65. Later he responded in a similar way to D. H. Lawrence's criticism, as well as to his creative achievement.
66. D.W. opened the storage cabinet and a miniature snow squall resulted.
67. We believe that these results have important consequences for the use of d 3C A as a probe for studying DNA-protein interactions.
68. If the incremental project can be accepted then the logical conclusion is to accept Project D in the first instance.
69. Our own H. D. Battery was replaced with a small torque start, there being insufficient room under the bonnet.
70. As treasurer of the R.A.D.D., he once balanced the books, which had a serious deficit, with a handsome donation.
71. The analysis can be simplified by concentrating on the d.c. and fundamental components of voltage and current.
72. Thus D in Figure 6-2a indicates tIle benefits which private individuals derive from education.
73. The guards demanded to see her I.D. before they allowed her in the building.
74. D., said Senate Democrats would oppose the final measure if it contains the provision on students.
75. Place the circuit board and batteries inside the case and clip the l.e.d. into its holder.
76. It was also in Edessa that the oldest known church was built, then destroyed in A.D. 201.
77. I ended up in Kibble List D. I just abused the teachers.
78. The first issue was in 130 weekly parts at 2 % d. each, but apparently no complete set is recorded.
79. The most rational therapy in these conditions is calcium supplementation and vitamin D replacement.
80. In the Somogyi-Nelson procedure, barium hydroxide a d zinc sulfate are used to precipitate proteins.
81. This reverberation unit is based on a c.c.d. delay line that has been designed specifically for operation in reverberation circuits.
82. Paul D felt icy cold in the place Sethe had been before Beloved came.
83. I d then be happy that Leeds could compete against any type of side.
84. Channel D is another version of a shorter, indirect channel.
85. By A.D. 54-5, militant activity had again assumed epidemic proportions.
86. There was a similar crisis over the biphasic cladding for D.W.'s docker.
87. Earlier this year, I set my cassette recorder to tape Bach's Magnificat in D from an original recording.
88. This meant that cases were sent where, clearly, the D.P.P. would not take action.
89. That would get him annoyed and we d all end up fighting.
90. I thought Poems for D.T.'s would be more appropriate, or would attract more attention on a book-shop counter.
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