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Custom in a sentence

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Sentence count:262+22Posted:2017-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: habitmannerpracticetraditionusewaySimilar words: customeraccustomaccustomedcustodystompstomachgustodust stormMeaning: ['kʌstəm]  n. 1. accepted or habitual practice 2. a specific practice of long standing 3. money collected under a tariff 4. habitual patronage. adj. made according to the specifications of an individual. 
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31. They still follow the custom of pinning money to the bride's dress.
32. His custom was to get up early and have a cold bath.
33. The custom of arranged marriages still exists in many countries.
34. The married women of Shitamachi maintained the custom of blackening their teeth.
35. The origins of the custom are difficult to trace.
36. It was his custom to approach every problem cautiously.
37. We would like to have your custom.
38. The custom derives its origin from Buddhism.
39. As was his custom, he knocked three times.
40. This custom dates from the 19th century.
41. His son operates a custom furniture business.
42. It was her custom to rise early.
42. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
43. The custom still obtains in some districts.
44. That custom has fallen off.
45. This is a custom among the Germans.
46. The custom dates back hundreds of years.
47. This old custom has fallen off here.
48. The custom began during the Second World War.
49. They kept to the custom to hold their wedding.
50. This custom was abrogated years ago.
51. Islamic custom dictates that women should be fully covered.
52. The custom has gone out of use.
53. Tribal lore and custom have been passed down orally.
54. The custom is of Scottish derivation.
55. The custom has descended to our day.
56. It's a custom which is beginning to die out.
57. The custom began during the First World War.
58. to orient the commodities towards one's custom.
59. The custom still lingers in some villages.
60. He awoke early, as was his custom.
More similar words: customeraccustomaccustomedcustodystompstomachgustodust stormatomrecuseaccuseexcusefocustomatoatomicaccusedcircuscaucusanatomyepitomesymptomexcuse mediscusscushionfocus onat bottomtomorrowtomahawkthe accusedfocussed
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