Similar words: construction industry, construction, constructional, reconstruction, deconstruction, road construction, construction paper, construction worker.
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1. The constructionist accounts also stress the central role of language and communication in the social process of knowledge.
2. He was a strict constructionist.
3. So the social constructionist psychology insists that the envy is aroused by the social circumstances.
4. The social constructionist psychology is an application of the social constructionism in psychology as a new social science study pattern.
5. This is a constructionist approach to learning: the children are given the phonic tools to construct and sound out new words by themselves.
6. Under the guidance of Constructionist, mathematical education software are facing great reformation.
7. Cultural constructionist psychology as the outcome and part of postmodern cultural thoughts, has developed the cultural ideology in psychology.
8. Learning and development are guided using a social constructionist philosophy.
9. The social constructionist psychology censors the emotions from a new point of view, and brings forward following viewpoints.
10. The idea of Constructionist will place a great effect on middle school mathematical education as well as computer-aid mathematical education in a long length.
11. The cool-headed constructionist does not also come across with lively characters , sharp dialogue, a sense of pace and an acute use of observed detail.
12. The results show that the superordinate goal inference is constructed on-line in reading. They support the constructionist theory.
13. On the issue of information integration in text-reading, there are minimalist hypothesis theory, memory-based text processing view and constructionist theory.
14. Connectionist and behaviorist cognitive psychology succeed and advance the fundamental principles of scientism, while constructionist cognitive psychology absorbs the ideas of post-modernism.
15. Hall emphasized the semiotic and the discursive approaches in the constructionist approach to"representation".
More similar words: construction industry, construction, constructional, reconstruction, deconstruction, road construction, construction paper, construction worker, reconstruction period, instructions, constructing, constructive, constructible, constructively, constructivism, reconstructive, instruction, instructional, instruction cycle, construct, instruction manual, reconstruct, constructor, deconstruct, reconstructed, unreconstructed, destruction, obstruction, instructive, constriction.