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Concretely in a sentence

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Sentence count:64Posted:2017-06-01Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: abstractlySimilar words: concreteconcretizeon creditsyncreticretellforetellcompletelyexcreteMeaning: adv. in concrete terms. 
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1. Concretely, this meant that he was broke.
2. Concretely, it consists of three parts.
3. We must analyse each case concretely.
4. I will analyze this question concretely.
5. Next, it concretely analysizes the necessity of legislation.
6. Does the past exist concretely, in space?
7. Combine to concretely stipulate each complete date of work preface by the form of production process form.
8. Text concretely introduces the characteristic of the information and the computer commands, the design plan and the principle of the circuit,[] the checking program of the interface and so on.
9. The technical manual connects concretely to the real world in the clever cryptonym of its final chapter, "PASIV Device Instructions."
10. This paper concretely presents the construction technique of the Reinforcing Bar Welding Net and expound construction points.
11. The concrete art works must be treated concretely, they cannot be handled with the theoretical subsumption or with the reduction of style or genre.
12. The paper illustrates this feature concretely from three different aspects.
13. Speaking concretely, this paper wants to explore the question by examining the household system as it is found in documents excavated in Turfan.
14. Concretely, it includes several aspects, such as: 1. The expatiation of the basic questions and thesis of the nomology .
15. For the first time, scientists think they can concretely test string theory, the mind-blowing "theory of everything" that has dominated physics for the past two decades.
16. Concretely, the fungi obtained from S". matsudana were designated as 9 genera and the predominant microbes were Oospora spp. , which frequencies were 18.75%."
17. After that, the author researches concretely the tone, phonetic transcription and the dialect Hesser used in his book.
18. Profits and expanding industries A few hypothetical examples will explain more concretely how the market system determines what is to be produced.
19. The second section presses the homogeneous color image, the similar color image and the contrast color image classified angle,[] analyzes original "tinting art" of the songs among flowers concretely.
20. This paper mostly studies the spiral configuration of the country standard twist drill concretely.
21. I also summarize that for Chinese all-round study it should carry out multi-aspect critical principle and bring into effect concretely for appraisement.
22. In the Lenten period, the Church makes it her duty to propose some specific tasks that accompany the faithful concretely in this process of interior renewal: these are prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
23. This paper introduces the features of carburized and case-hardened gear. The main problems existing in the manufacturing process are analyzed concretely , and the solution project is brought forward.
24. The principle of COD measurement by using Coulometry, the general structure of hardware and software, and implementation of detection algorithm are described concretely.
25. For the above reasons Communists should show a high degree of initiative in the national war, and show it concretely, that is, they should play an exemplary vanguard role in every sphere.
26. The main influence factors of the speed and air-fuel ratio and the relation curves of the unit, the structure and PID algorithm of the system are described concretely.
27. The magnetic characteristic of uncrystallized thread with zero magnetostriction coefficient and fabrication of the transducer as well as the principle of measurement are introduced concretely.
28. The principle of oil gas making, the process of the station , the operational principle of control system, the hardware electric circuit and software design are described concretely.
29. In this proposal, the research goal and contents are also given concretely.
30. The paper point out some problems in our actual tax law system, and the paper put forward some concretely advice to perfect our actual tax law system.
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