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1 Letters were delivered twice a week only.
2 The parcel was delivered last week.
3 Do you have your milk delivered?
4 The thief delivered her of her money.
5 The Reverend William Cronshaw delivered/preached the sermon.
6 She was delivered of a lovely girl.
7 He delivered a straight right at his opponent's head.
8 Several letters went astray or were not delivered.
9 Has the furniture been delivered from the factory yet?
10 She delivered her monologue in a deadpan voice.
11 He delivered a long prose full of platitudes.
12 The boy delivered the goods to the right house.
13 The furniture has been delivered from the store.
14 The telegram was delivered early this morning.
15 The thieves delivered the passengers of their money.
16 The priest delivered a passionate sermon/speech against war.
17 The morning mail has just been delivered.
18 The newspaper boy has delivered the Sunday paper.
19 Leaflets have been delivered to every household.
20 The postman has just delivered a package for you.
21 The Prime Minister delivered a broadside at her critics.
22 We delivered the thief over to the police.
23 They delivered the merchandise to us.
24 Some new books have been delivered to the school.
25 The mailman delivered the letters promptly.
26 They delivered the thief over to the police.
27 The fortress was delivered up to the enemy.
28 Mr Golding delivered an oblique warning[sentencedict.com],(www.Sentencedict.com) talking of the danger of sudden action.
29 The cheques were delivered to the bank by a private courier firm.
30 Irving Kristol delivered the coup de grace in a letter dated June 12: they had decided to reject the proposal.
More similar words: deliverer, deliver, delivery, deliver the goods, relive, liver, livelihood, covered, recovered, discovered, oliver cromwell, delight, delirium, sideline, fidelity, delicacy, delicate, live, guideline, indelible, delighted, delirious, delineate, delicious, infidelity, deliberate, delightful, alive, lives, delineation.