Similar words: apartment, compare, resentment, comparison, comparable, impartial, by comparison, impartiality. Meaning: [kəm'pɑːtmənt] n. 1. a small space or subdivision for storage 2. a partitioned section or separate room within a larger enclosed area.
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181) Instead of a normal toe box, each toe has an individual compartment separate and is distinct from the rest.
182) Normally, this is a single-seater vehicle but the luggage compartment behind the driver can easily accommodate a passenger if needed.
183) It is the end result of elevated abdominal compartment pressure with physiological compromise and end organ system dysfunction.
184) One day, bored with the music, Mike flipped his double-decked cassette case over to reveal rows of hidden tapes in a concealed compartment.
185) Objective To sum up diagnosis and treatment experience of the compartment syndrome of iliopsoas muscle.
186) Conclusion: There are limited data on thigh compartment syndrome with respect to cause, use of one versus two incisions for fasciotomy, methods of wound closure, and complication rates.
187) With the car in motion, air was trapped under the hood in the engine compartment.
188) Indirect electrooxidation of toluene to benzaldehyde simultaneously in the cathodic and anodic compartment of a cell has been studied.
189) Stability within a baffle compartment can be studied by using a rectangular zone.
190) Apoptosis mainly occurs in the nonmyocardial compartment of the embryonic heart, a compartment that consists of cells derived from the endocardium, the epicardium and the neural crest.
191) The Salisbury steak in its rectangular compartment is completely tasteless; I chew it as if it were a piece of gum.
192) The state in certain fungi in which each compartment of a hypha contains two nuclei, each derived from a different parent.
193) This car has a built - in compartment for a cellular phone.
194) Recent studies have suggested that acute lung injury is associated with increased procoagulant activity in the alveolar compartment and the protein C pathway is significantly altered in ALI.
195) He was found to have an anterior deltoid compartment syndrome and was treated with emergency fasciotomy with no adverse sequelae.
196) At some truck driver's cab and passenger compartment is also set to adapt to night-time sleeper of the necessary long-distance traffic.
197) If the Enterprise JavaBean has both the local and remote clients, the Provided Interface compartment will show four interfaces with collapsable methods listed beneath each interface.
198) "Treating ambition several elder brothers go to your compartment noisy jollification! "Die fatty direction.
199) The rice aspirating precision seeder was design according to the technique of rice seedling growing in cupulate compartment tray which made of straw.
200) A heavily insulated refrigerated cabinet , compartment, or room for storing frozen foods.
201) He opens the glove compartment, pulls out an object wrapped in a rag.
202) Results: The expression of death receptor 5 ( DR5 ) was certificated in U343 , DR5 appeared to be located in intracellular perinuclear compartment.
203) Based on the special structured underground garage of a sun city in Beijing, and its different fire compartmentation plans, pointed out that the design of the fire compartment diversifies much.
204) Diffusion of anolyte containing ferric ion into the cathode compartment is avoided by maintaining a small hydrostatic head of the mixed solution in the diaphragm-bag.
205) Results : Severe disabilities related to the lower leg compartment were present in 47%(8/17) of patients who underwent fasciotomy and in 16%(4/25) of patients who did not.
206) The compartment syndrome was defined as intra-compartmental pressure of more than 30 mmHg .
207) He settled his child in a corner of the compartment.
208) Please stow your carry - on baggage in the overhead compartment.
209) Is proper to attend to long meantime wanting into a compartment,[] Qing suddenly a waiter prop dish to come over here and put a decanter of wine and a lot of cups on the salver.
210) The design of the compartment is both nostalgic and modern.
More similar words: apartment, compare, resentment, comparison, comparable, impartial, by comparison, impartiality, vestment, in comparison with, treatment, commitment, investment, adjustment, appointment, impairment, direct investment, compliment, parliament, accomplishment, accomplishments, part and parcel, company, accompany, companion, encompass, commencement, accompanied, amendment, compatibility.