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Coloring in a sentence

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Sentence count:224+3Posted:2017-04-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: tailoringimploringexploringimploringlyColor.colordiscolorcolorfulMeaning: ['kʌlərɪŋ]  n. 1. a digestible substance used to give color to food 2. a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect 3. the act or process of changing the color of something. 
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121. By using the coloring the way to avoid the production process produce unhealthful harmful gas let the use of user more safe and environmental protection.
122. Masters of disguise, scorpion fish use cryptic coloring and specialized appendages to help them hide from predators and surprise prey.
123. The invention provides a method for preparing capsanthin powder from red peppers, belonging to the field of coloring agent in food additives or feed additives.
124. While the price tag seems simply outrageous for a coloring book, but then, it's about the brand.
125. Three inmates and their loved ones were charged with attempting to smuggle drugs into a New Jersey jail on the pages of a children's coloring book, Reuters reported.
126. Fast violet organic pigment, super nature and high coloring, but pay more attention to removement.
127. After flower opens business, want will antheral purify, otherwise the craze after antheral maturity, pollen is met will petaline even furniture coloring.
128. Removal of coloring matter from hydrolytic nitrification liquor of bone glue by macroporous absorbant resin(MAR) is studied during hydroxyproline(Hyp) processing.
129. A deep liver-colored nose conforming to the coloring of the head is permissible but not desirable.
130. The results showed that the flame-retardant color masterbatch has only not excellent flame-retardant property but also good heat stability, processability and coloring property.
131. The coloring process can be formed a complete set with anodic electrophoretic coating technology aluminium.
132. Vertex coloring model and decomposing algorithm of gate assignment problem is offered.
133. I suppose he's a bit like Father de Bricassart. The same build, the same coloring.
134. A technology of surface chemical coloring of stainless steel for cooking utensil is studied.
135. A comprehensive description paper of the affix, including its grammatical function, emotion coloring, word - building function, etc.
136. European biennial formerly grown for the blue coloring matter yielded by its
137. Each color lump mainly comprises resin, coloring matter, a solvent and a stabilizer.
138. Lead is also used in some ceramic and vino vinyl products, candles, hair coloring and other goods.
139. Except Dahuangmianzha a yellow hawthorn cultivar , the content of anthocyanin increased greatly during coloring of fruit.
140. I prefer watermelon or green pumpkin soft plastics and like to add a little chartreuse coloring on the tail.
141. Al Shultz, co-owner of Boulder Crete Inc. in Maple Ridge, British Columbia, avoids phony faux syndrome on his rockwork jobs by employing an actual artist to do all the sculpting and coloring.
142. Any other observer might have seen few but unamiable traits, and have given them a far darker coloring.
143. When the cichlid fish loses control of the territory, he loses his bright coloring.
144. There are two advantages for ladder-type aluminum container, one is enhancing containers rigidness , another is making the ladders become the more the nice-looking after anode oxygenation coloring up.
145. They compassed the whole arc of the circle, merging towards towards the west in a horizon that was fierce, almost garish in coloring, like an impressionist back-drop done by some half-mad genius.
146. Her natural talent is intelligent, learnedly is well-read, has the black eyebrow coloring jade such talent and the processing realistic business talent.
147. Limit your hair's exposure to harsh treatment such as heat, relaxers, perms, and coloring.
148. One of my campers, a brilliant programmer named John Bruns, programmed the Impulse system for several popular software packages, coloring each bar in accordance with the Impulse system.
149. Later, "Artificial coloring " the truth by debunk, "Blue bewitching female singer " begin to step down spirit of evil of altar sweep off.
150. In fact, several classes of reallife problems such as examination timetabling and frequency assignment can be modeled as Graph Coloring Problem extensions.
More similar words: tailoringimploringexploringimploringlyColor.colordiscolorcolorfulcolorlesscolor wheelchlorineboringadoringflying coloursmooringsporing overneighboringscoring systemfloridfloristcaloriedolorousgloriouscolourcolonglorifiedcolonycolonelecologycolossal
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