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Coloring in a sentence

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Sentence count:224+3Posted:2017-04-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: tailoringimploringexploringimploringlyColor.colordiscolorcolorfulMeaning: ['kʌlərɪŋ]  n. 1. a digestible substance used to give color to food 2. a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect 3. the act or process of changing the color of something. 
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91. Then it is substituted in Burnside formula, all vertex - coloring formulas of the regular polyhedron are determined.
92. Unique activator enable easy coloring and effective sealing. Produce better result with lacquering.
93. The two algorithms were bad on graph coloring theory and their correctness and feasibility were approved by both theory and emulator.
94. After the algorithm being proposed, ACO has applied into TSP, quadratic assignment, graph coloring, vehicle route successfully.
95. As a white coloring pigment, it is flexible to match any top coat through color mixing as required, which can simplify the preparation process of painting and coating significantly.
96. The effect of resin coloring, silicone ruber long service life, and by adding substantial filler.
97. Ceramic decoration may be blank continuous coloration and glaze coloring, glaze coloring and glaze coloring.
98. Acenaphthene belongs to the EPA prior pollutant list, which is widely used in industry area such as coloring, chemical industry etc.
99. Specially developed cleansing cream base which can dissolve easily in water and at the same time removes stain and debris during rinsing. Convenience in omitting shampoo before coloring.
100. Combining with graph coloring algorithm in graph, we propose a distributed adaptive graph- coloring algorithm based on CSMA protocol to reduce reader collisions in the RFID systems.
101. The graph coloring problem is a well - known NP - complete problem.
102. It is necessary to guarantee definite concentration of sodium hydroxide and sodium hydrosulfite for enhancing coloring quality in colorating.
103. Even yogurt, you may recall, is colored with an insect-derived natural coloring called carmine, which is made from ground-up(, red Cochineal beetles frequently imported from the Canary Islands.
104. We felt strong bonds with them when they started coloring flowers brown and drawing purple lakes.
105. Other distinguishing characteristics in demand this season include tattoos, piercings, scars and even albino coloring.
106. Of his requirement study decorate must consider quiet, daylighting enough, stylist of hot line illuminative is achieve this one result, coloring colour, illume, decorations will build.
106. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
107. Graph coloring problem is a classic difficult problem of graph theory. It is a fundamental problem in scientific computation and engineering design.
108. About can at beautifying hair coloring cause canceration to human body really?
109. It has brown spots on yellowish brown skin and this coloring helps protect the giraffe.
110. If you make fun of your little brother for coloring people green in his coloring book, your mother is likely to tell you something like "you like to do it your way and he likes to do it his way."
111. When temperature of coloring solution and activation conditions change, it can be changed, but the deepest color tone is orange-red.
112. As ClO2 has great oxidizing power, it can choose to oxidizing lignin and coloring matter, but be less to carbohydrate.
113. Four color theorem and conjecture, coloring and it's number problem, graph coloring problem the direction of current research and research methods.
114. Freshly blown pulp turns a reddish brown when exposed to air, on account of oxidation of lignin and coloring matter remaining in the pulp.
115. But this time put 10 drops of red food coloring into the glass of water.
116. And we have very extensive code coloring (more than 76 colors in addition to the Vs standard colors) and customizable code formatting.
117. Cognitive radio spectrum assignment based on quantum genetic algorithm is proposed, and simulations are conducted to compare the proposed method with color sensitive graph coloring algorithm.
118. Jensen and B. Toft asserted:the graph coloring theory in discrete mathematics at the center position.
119. Firstly, We present a genetic algorithm for the incidence coloring on graphs and Steiner tree problem.
120. The coloring problem is always important problem in graph theory. In the discrete mathematics and combinatorial analysis, the coloring problem has a wide range of applications.
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