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Clique in a sentence

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Sentence count:56+3Posted:2016-10-01Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: clancrowdfamilyfolkgroupsetSimilar words: liquiduniquetechniqueubiquitousclipclingcliffclickMeaning: [kliːk]  n. an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose. 
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(31) Can I just say that we don't have a clique problem at this school?
(32) The main contributions are as follows:Firstly, a novel scale-free network model based on clique (complete subgraph of random size) growth and preferential attachment is proposed.
(33) Joseph Heller's novels reveal the absurdity and corruption of the American ruling clique, and the confusion and madness in the American society.
(34) To Wang's great dismay , a virulent antireform clique dismantled the system.
(35) He is Bill Gates. 1998, bill comes to Chinese clique ambassador-at-large Li Kaifu inducts Chinese wisdom new establish the Microsoft China academy that is in China.
(36) The main body has four chapters:Chapter one mainly discusses the formation background of Civil Right Thought of Reform Clique and Independent Union.
(37) A new algorithm for the maximum clique problem has been presented in this paper, the local enumerative algorithm based on average degree sorting.
(38) Experimental results show that this algorithm is more effective in clustering than CLIQUE and SUBCLU.
(39) On this point they are entirely at one with the capitulationist clique.
(40) Can l just say that we don't have a clique problem at this school?
(41) And that, it should not be forgotten, is what the Academy Awards represent: the self-assessment of a self-interested, self-involved professional clique.
(42) The maximum clique problem (MCP) is a classical graph-theoretic problem, which aims to find the maximum complete subgraph of a given graph G.
(43) The traitorous Chiang Kai - shek clique and its master, U.S. imperialism, have wrongly appraised the situation.
(44) Shi Zhengfeng said that in Democratic Progressive Party's clique struggles is also very obvious.
(45) A direction of generalization is that when the cut is 'nearly' a clique (a clique with a few edges missing), G is decomposable by S.
(45) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(46) It might, at last, silence the small but noisy intellectual clique.
(47) People are already saying Miss Liu's brother is in the'Wang Clique '.
(48) Both Chiang and the CC Clique realized they had gone too far.
(49) Then is the existence of this anti-party clique, too, to be denied?
(50) Then is the existence of this anti - Party clique, too, to be denied?
(51) I've had nothing to do with him since he got in with that rather disreputable clique.
(52) In this article, we introduce maximal connected subgraphs, maximal clique and perfect match of graph theory in biology especially in the study of protein structure research applications.
(53) Given an undirected graph with weights on the vertices, the maximum weight clique problem is to find a subset of mutually adjacent vertices(i. e. , a clique) having the largest total weight.
(54) Anna Ford recently hit out at the male clique which she believes holds back women in television.
(55) Heavy agronomy clique and Si Mi order of believe in nature.
(56) The club is dominate by a small clique of intellectual.
More similar words: liquiduniquetechniqueubiquitousclipclingcliffclickclinicclientclimatedeclineclinicalinclination
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