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Cleft in a sentence

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Sentence count:196+3Posted:2017-06-05Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: crackcreviceindentationnotchopeningspaceSimilar words: cleft palateleftbe leftleft handleftistleft-wingleft overleft wingMeaning: [kleft]  n. 1. a split or indentation in something (as the palate or chin) 2. a long narrow opening. adj. 1. used of hooves 2. having one or more incisions reaching nearly to the midrib. 
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91. The apple's cleft right through the core ( J . C . F . von Schiller ).
92. Objective To find a satisfied repairing method which can complete the functional cheiloplasty while avoiding the visible scar after the cheiloschisis II operation for bilateral cleft lip.
93. Objective To explore a general and reliable treat pattern for the unilateral cleft lip nasal deformity.
94. I fell in love with you because of your personality, but your behaviour made me sick. Now I'm in a cleft stick .
95. Objective To investigate the value of ultrasonographic diagnosis of fetal cleft lip.
96. Conclusion The heigh of upper lip in patients with complete unilateral cleft lip and or palate would decrease significantly compared to normal group.
97. A new method of repairing 44 cases of cleft palaft is reported here. It is unnecessary, perhaps wrong,( to fracture the pterygoideus hamulus.
98. Objective To explore the effect of myringotomy with insertion of tube and tympanocentesis on alleviating secretory otitis media(SOM) and hearing loss in cleft palate infants.
99. A primary clinical study proves that repairing of the hard palate cleft can improve the velopharyngeal function.
100. A detailed US examination using a 3.5-MHz transabdominal probe demonstrated a fused single ventricle, a fused thalami, a cleft lip and palate, and the absence of falx cerebri in her fetus.
101. MethodsThe nasal deformities of cleft lip in 20 cases were corrected with L-shaped silicon rubber prosthesis and costicartilage .
102. The Foundation of Finite Element Model for Cleft Palate and Analysis of Biomechanical Properties.
103. Conclusion The main ultrasonographic manifestation of AMD is the presence of interlamellar transaudient cleft in the thickened ocular wall.
104. Objective To explore molecular mechanism of formation of cleft palate in ICR mice.
105. Some may also lead to fetal cleft lip, cleft palate, and so on.
106. PURPOSE: To analyse the results of using Bioglass to repair alveolar cleft.
107. Objective To evaluate the effect of model of triunity speech training in promoting speech development of children with cleft palate.
108. Conclusion: Three - dimensional ultrasonography is the first diagnosis method in fetal cleft lip and cleft palate.
109. Consulsion:Surgical resection was the main method to treat the congenital branchial cleft cysts.
110. The common risk factors are: sibling history of OM, victims of atopy and cleft palate, early onset of the first episode,( and attendance in day care centers.
111. Objective To discuss the etipathogenisis of mandibular joint disorder after cleft palate repair and the treatment.
112. One-time Operation in Infant Cleft Lip and Palate Plus Alveolar Process Wang ...
113. Objective To evaluate effects of repairing incomplete cleft palate with double island mucoperiosteal flap.
114. Objective To observe effects internal sphincterotomy using small needle scalpel for treatment of old anal cleft.
115. Objective To explore the clinical application value of double opposing Z-plasty in repairing of cleft and fistula in soft palate.
116. Cleft lip and cleft palate is a kind of common congenital malformation.
117. Objective To analyze the characteristic of adult patients with unoperated cleft palate and to investigate the effects of cleft palate on growth development of maxillae.
118. Objective: To explore ain the repair of soft palate cleft.
119. Conclusion An analytic system of sound spectrography has certain value for evaluation of phonic function in cleft palate patients.
120. Method Sixteen cases of cleft palate were repaired with bilateral buccal musculomucosal flaps.
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