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Baleful in a sentence

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Sentence count:30+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-13Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: damagingharmfulinjuriousSimilar words: dolefulusefulcarefulforcefulhopefulbe full ofruefullygracefulMeaning: ['beɪlfʊl]  adj. 1. deadly or sinister 2. threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments. 
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1. He gave me a baleful look.
2. He turned his baleful glare on the cowering suspect.
3. The robber gave me a baleful look.
4. Local people can still recall the baleful glow in the night as the mill blazed.
5. It will be difficult for him to be baleful about the Millennium.
6. Rusty looked out with a baleful eye from the front page.
7. What a dismal, doleful, baleful lament of a speech we had from him.
8. The Florida eagles have a fierce baleful look.
9. But networks can also have baleful effects.
10. Clearly, more and more baleful attack are come from lawful calculable website.
11. But, network transmission also can have a few baleful things, e. g. person of information of calumniatory, rubbish dispersed wait.
12. He remembered the general's pale baleful eyes staring at him blankly, and then the inexplicable wink.
13. Clearly, those publish baleful calumniator, rumormonger on the net, count to China with 100 million plan the netizen, it is minority after all.
14. The log files , which record the baleful usages, will facilitate the search and locating of hackers.
15. If we did not have the baleful example of 2007 - 08 this already be a significant crisis.
16. That an early-warning this baleful program in sowing a newspaper is scampish software is medium " additional kind " .
17. The land bucked and heaved like a terrified horse and a storm of baleful magic raced over the land.
18. This was different: these were the sounds of distress - short staccato yelps broken by prolonged baleful howling.
19. The tired horse stopped dead in its tracks and turned its head around to give him a baleful stare.
20. After a few minutes, Blanche seemed to sense Dexter's baleful mood, checked her watch and stood up to go.
21. We rose, bowed to the head of the table and left our companions to their baleful conjecturing.
22. Sandy is played by Cindy Lou, a statuesque and baleful creature with presence and a truly impressive amount of facial hair.
23. They prove how fast selection can carry out its baleful work as soon as it gets the chance.
24. No one spoke during the journey, which was marked by two events, one of them baleful.
25. Especially this kind of virus can be in the long-range server site that is appointed by hacker of join of infection computer tiring-room, download other and baleful program and move.
26. Before resembling two weeks " Fan Kecheng is tasted jump turn adversary website " incident, use baleful plug-in unit namely, undertake to user computer the domain name is hijacked.
26. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
27. An early - warning this virus in sowing a newspaper is file of a baleful script.
28. Recently, 360 safe centers are mixed again and again by baleful attack calumniatory.
29. Now, ere the sun advance his burning eye, the day to cheer and night's dank dew to dry, I must up-fill this osier cage of ours with baleful weeds and precious-juiced flowers.
30. The deeds of carnal excess, immorality and unspeakable perversion have produced a baleful harvest.
More similar words: dolefulusefulcarefulforcefulhopefulbe full ofruefullygracefulto the fullcarefullygratefulpeacefulbe useful tohopefullyresourcefulpurposefulpurposefullygracefulnessmake full use ofleftbe leftleft wingsettle forstruggle forresponsible forballballetballsbe responsible forballot
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