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Chuck in a sentence

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Sentence count:247+7Posted:2016-12-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: flickflingpatpitchtapthrowtossSimilar words: churnchunkchurchtouch upcatch up withfuckbuckluckMeaning: [tʃʌk]  n. 1. informal terms for a meal 2. the part of a forequarter from the neck to the ribs and including the shoulder blade 3. a holding device consisting of adjustable jaws that center a workpiece in a lathe or center a tool in a drill. v. 1. throw carelessly 2. throw away 3. pat or squeeze fondly or playfully, especially under the chin 4. eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth. 
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(91) I was ready to chuck it all in after a decision that flew in the face of reason.
(92) Chuck Levy, meanwhile, was in for 40 offensive plays and made the most of them.
(93) Chuck drew his hunting knife from its sheath before picking up his boots.
(94) I don't know, chuckin' me clothes in the dustbin,[] I suppose you'd like to chuck me in as well.
(95) The Bears placed four runners in the top 15, led by top collegiate finisher Chuck Gathchell.
(96) Pardon us if we yawn, Chuck, but that hardly addresses the real problem.
(97) Other originals on board include guitarist James Young and bassist Chuck Panozzo.
(98) Berry adapted Johnson's self-taught hillbilly style to his guitar and emerged as frontman of the renamed Chuck Berry Trio.
(99) Cuts from the chuck and the round are less tender cuts unless they come from high-quality carcasses.
(100) Rocky had accounted for all his truckers, with the exception of his three buddies, Chuck, Jube and Red.
(101) E.' s leader, Chuck D.,( has spoken out against homosexuality on several occasions.
(102) Chuck Banker, pro personnel director of the Philadelphia Eagles, is tired of the team being criticized for losing defensive players.
(103) I enjoyed the whole of the Chuck Berry interview - I only wish we'd had longer.
(104) The forequarter contains the rib section for tender roasts and the chuck, which is meaty but yields less tender cuts.
(105) Spring focus: 2B Chuck Knoblauch claims he received help during the offseason with his mental block on routine throws.
(106) Chuck Berry is one of the seminal figures of rock 'n' roll.
(107) Anyway he owned the place and in most people's eyes he had every right to chuck me out.
(108) How wood would a woodchuck chuck if woodchuckchuck wood?
(109) Chuck : White meat or dark, Tina?
(110) Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.
(111) I must chuck out all those old magazines.
(112) Why did you chuck away your time?
(113) The universal chuck has only three jaws.
(114) One of the best is Chuck Berry.
(115) I'm going to chuck out those old shoes.
(116) I think Chuck Hayes did a great job too!
(117) Chuck Noris is a bad actor.
(118) I'm going to chuck out this stuff.
(119) I want to chuck every clothes I own.
(120) Hey, Chuck! Lower that rope down.
More similar words: churnchunkchurchtouch upcatch up withfuckbucklucksuckducktucktruckruckusbuck upbucketfuckingpluck upbucklingstuck withhappy-go-lucky
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