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Chest in a sentence

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Sentence count:300+30Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: boxbreastdresserlockersafethoraxSimilar words: catchestheseall the samehesitateon the sideon the spotthe same ashypothesisMeaning: [tʃest]  n. 1. the part of the human torso between the neck and the diaphragm or the corresponding part in other vertebrates 2. box with a lid; used for storage; usually large and sturdy 3. furniture with drawers for keeping clothes. 
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211 The room is all beige with an antique Oriental chest providing the appropriate backdrop.
212 My chest is relaxing, my breathing is steady and light.
213 Focusing resentfully on the dark, angular face, her heart had flipped over suddenly in her chest.
214 Narrow shoulders, indeed the shoulder blades were pronounced and his chest was rectangular.
215 At the onset she had been referred to a surgeon and had a normal barium enema and chest x ray.
216 Pat got into the car, buckled the seat belt, folded her arms tight to her chest.
217 She shook her head as a short, unexpectedly bitter laugh bubbled up from her chest.
218 After what seemed like hours, the chief leaned forward, necklaces rattling like dice on his bare chest.
219 The doctor presses on Andy's chest while his wife breathes into the boy's mouth.
220 It has a war chest of $ 40 million to spend each year on advertising.
221 A push on my chest, which, because of its limited area, required great accuracy.
222 Systematic firm palpation of the costal margin in recommended in all patients presenting with pain in the lower chest or upper abdomen.
223 Rachel moved her hands over his bare shoulders, kissed his chest, buried her hot face in the black hairs there.
224 He gave the man the Viaticum and blessed him, anointing him on the head, chest, hands and feet.
225 His chest and cheek the most repulsive sight, a negative constellation of buckshot bruises.
226 You can tell he was a professional killer -- they always aim for the chest.
227 When Clark Gable removed his shirt to reveal a bare chest(, sales of undershirts plummeted.
228 His parents were told at first that he was hit in the chest during a gun battle.
229 His head had dropped forward and over his chest a great mat of blood had spread like a bib.
230 Through the night in the tossing chest she listened to the waters that seemed always about to wash over them.
231 On 3 February he was brought before a judge who noted bruises on his chest and ordered a medical examination.
232 Naturally this had immediate consequences for the destitute fed by the church chest that rich believers funded.
233 As they answer she leans back,(Sentence dictionary) and her nightdress brushes against my bare chest and tickles my hair.
234 Soon afterwards police arrested a man with a gunshot wound to the chest found slumped nearby in an alley behind Copperfield Street.
235 The man's face was white and mean and he was pointing an automatic pistol at Charles' chest.
236 He folds his arms over his chest and appraises the chaos.
237 The door was bolted, and the woman stood against it, arms folded across her chest.
238 Barium follow-through, gastroscopy, sigmoidoscopy, barium enema, abdominal ultrasound scan, and chest radiograph were all normal.
239 She located an ashtray on the chest of drawers and stubbed out her cigarette.
240 Doyle was flung back across the table, a milk bottle exploding in the bag he held across his chest.
More similar words: catchestheseall the samehesitateon the sideon the spotthe same ashypothesischewcheffor the sake ofjust the samecheercheekcheatcheapin the shape ofschemeteachercheesepitcherat the same timecheck incheck outcheer upschedulecheck upkitchenchemistrychemical
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