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Cell in a sentence

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Sentence count:280+17Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: cadrecellphonecellular phonecellular telephonecubicleelectric celljail cellmobile phoneprison cellSimilar words: cancelcelebrityacceleratecelebrationbellyellshellsellMeaning: [sel]  n. 1. any small compartment 2. (biology) the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms; they may exist as independent units of life (as in monads) or may form colonies or tissues as in higher plants and animals 3. a device that delivers an electric current as the result of a chemical reaction 4. a small unit serving as part of or as the nucleus of a larger political movement 5. a hand-held mobile radiotelephone for use in an area divided into small sections, each with its own short-range transmitter/receiver 6. small room is which a monk or nun lives 7. a room where a prisoner is kept. 
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211. This results in prolonging the action potential and thus increases calcium influx into the cell.
212. Another possible point of attack is the final assembly of new viruses and their release from the infected cell.
213. Most of the differences in size arise from differences in cell number.
214. They are the first to divide in cell division and form the poles at each end of the cell.
215. More than a dozen activists have locked themselves inside a mock prison cell they put up outside the federal Interior Ministry here.
216. Experience in molecular biology, immunology and cell biology would be an advantage.
217. The antibody test clearly highlights where the defects in a cell lies, says Sutovsky.
218. So it keeps only a few copies of each white cell.
219. By far the most exciting is Molecular Biology of the Cell, which will surely become the standard work for cell biology.
220. Then we barricaded ourselves in, piled our mattresses against the cell door.
221. It is also the major cause of primary liver cell carcinoma. 7.
222. Cell divisions cleave the egg, like cutting a cake, and result in a multicellular structure.
223. Their third suggestion is that the cell cycle is important and may need to be controlled.
224. The prison chaplain came to me in my cell and tried to make a bargain with me.
224. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
225. Each of the Edinburgh patients colonised by the epidemic strain showed a rising IgG antibody response to P cepacia-specific cell wall antigen.
226. So in 1954 Hebbs built a dark, soundproof cell at McGill University in Montreal.
227. A close analogy can be drawn between cancer of the cell and a society hooked on drugs.
228. The cerebellum, atop the brain stem, has many more, thanks to so many little granule cell neurons.
229. Unlike in a battery, the chemicals in a fuel cell are continuously replaced as they are used up.
230. Applicants should have a degree in biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology or a similar background.
231. Nas Imran sat on the edge of an iron bunk in his small cell in a Washington state prison.
232. It is these cells which will later give rise, by further cell division, to eggs or sperm.
233. Two guards came down the passageway, brushed past Oswald and entered the cell.
234. The hypergastrinaemia and enterochromaffin like cell hyperplasia induced by these agents were abolished by antrectomy.
235. The receiving cell can adjust itself to changes in the behaviour of the transmitting cell in two ways.
236. They are all single cells, yet within their cell walls they contain much more complex structures than any bacterium possesses.
237. But it's the first time a cell has been set alight since the brand new modern jail was opened.
238. Triclosan interferes with an enzyme that plants need to make fatty acids-molecules that help build cell membranes.
239. Such vehicles appear to be at the brink of feasibility because of a rapidly maturing technology, the hydrogen-burning fuel cell.
240. A gene in a splurge - weed cell stands to gain by promoting the reproduction of its cell.
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