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Bliss in a sentence

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Sentence count:131+4Posted:2017-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: delightelationgleehappinessjoySimilar words: blissfulpublisherpublishpublishedestablishestablishmentestablishment ofblipMeaning: [blɪs]  n. a state of extreme happiness. 
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121 And our vivacious, playful Cassis Rose fragrance just radiates bliss.
122 I'm always there for you, and for our boundless bliss, untapped and unstudied.
123 My friend Harry Bliss (New Yorker cartoonist and fellow Vermonter) was kind enough to put me in touch with Mankoff's assistant, who told me to show up on July 12 so Mankoff could look at my work.
124 Yogis seeking transcontinental bliss head these days to Mysore, the City of Palaces, in southern India.
125 Everlastingly , with all the divine bliss within me, I eternally suffer for one and all – thus I am crucified eternally and continually for all.
126 In the "Revolution Backpack", Jack Kerouac wandered a spiritual journey from ego to anatta, and perceived a bliss of anatta in Zen meditation.
127 It is widely believed that listening to Hanuman Chalisa will bring peace and bliss.
128 Now Joseph Campbell said something else about following you bliss that may sound contradictory.
129 The Caravanserai Resort, the popular Sunset Beach Bar and other restaurants/night clubs such as Bamboo Bernies and Bliss are located nearby.
130 I do not need your birthday greetings. The Divine is perennially in bliss.
131 An English professor at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, Mr Wilson has crafted a tirade against the country's "wanton" embrace of "manic bliss".
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