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Baggage in a sentence

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Sentence count:237+16Posted:2016-10-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: luggageSimilar words: haggardengageengagedgarbageengage inmortgageengaged inengagementMeaning: ['bægɪdʒ]  n. 1. a case used to carry belongings when traveling 2. a worthless or immoral woman 3. the portable equipment and supplies of an army. 
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151. Making money and turning out literate graduates are themselves formidable tasks, made none the easier when burdened with idealistic moral baggage.
152. He had leaned heavily on a stick. With his baggage had been a Sony music centre.
153. Most animals increase their fuel consumption in proportion to the extra baggage they are carrying, but not the camel.
154. Interline baggage goes through customs at the final destination.
155. Which carousel is for the baggage from China?
156. Passenger must pay for excess baggage on an airplane.
157. The more excess baggage the shorter the trip.
158. You have to pay a charge your excess baggage.
159. The baggage carousel has broken down.
160. Ronaldo asks baggageman to deliver baggage to a room.
161. His chief political baggage consisted of a violent antiracism.
162. All interline baggage is transferred automatically.
163. Do I still pay excess baggage as well?
164. The equipment had disappeared , bag and baggage.
165. Open belt, NO baggage, No high - heeled shoes!
166. Could you store my baggage until my departure time?
167. What is the excess baggage charge?
168. You have 5 kilos of excess baggage.
169. Do you know where the baggage claim area be?
170. Let me first check unclaimed baggage records for you.
171. No emotional baggage,[] just big bags filled with Dior.
172. My name tag is attached to my baggage.
173. The customs agent examined the baggage.
174. Where is the baggage claim area?
175. Have you left your baggage untended at any time?
176. Sometimes, the airport will lose or mishandle your baggage.
177. Passengers must pay for excess baggage on an airplane.
178. Due to late acceptance of your baggage, Carriers cannot assure that your baggage will travel with you on the same flight to your destination.
179. I can't find my baggage. It's a small bag, light brown.
180. He had left her at the car to supervise the baggage.
More similar words: haggardengageengagedgarbageengage inmortgageengaged inengagementbagbagshandbagbags ofshaggyschoolbagaggrandizeaggrievedaggressionexaggerateaggressiveageragepagecagewageeagerNew Ageagentimagesavagedamage
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