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Atherosclerotic in a sentence

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Sentence count:45Posted:2018-05-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: atherosclerosisarterioscleroticscleroticnephrosclerosisotosclerosisarteriosclerosisglomerulosclerosissclerotomyMeaning: adj. of or relating to atherosclerosis. 
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1. Similarly, prostacyclin production in human atherosclerotic tissue appears to be reduced.
2. Objective : To establish carotid artery atherosclerotic stenosis model in mini - swine.
3. Background - Unstable atherosclerotic plaque is characterized an infiltrate of inflammatory cells.
4. Fibromuscular dysplasia is a noninflammatory, non atherosclerotic, segmental, multifocal disease of the arteries, mainly involving the medium-sized arteries.
5. Results Atherosclerotic plaques and extensive lipid infiltration appeared in myocardium tissue and cell matrix of hyperlipidemia animals separately.
6. Background: Atherosclerotic plaques in the aortic arch are a risk factor for ischemic stroke.
7. CRP level can predicate the development of carotid atherosclerotic plaques.
8. Pulsatile tinnitus has various etiologies , including atherosclerotic carotid artery disease.
9. Effect of Xiaoyu tablet on vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque was observed.
10. Atherosclerotic lesions in the coronary arteries may be detected during life by coronary arteriography.
11. Conclusion: TCD is important for patients with cerebral atherosclerotic infarction in early period.
12. Atherosclerotic involvement in the coronary arteries, which can result in heart attack and sudden death[], is a common disease and prototypic of a complex human trait.
13. Depressive Symptoms and the Risk of Atherosclerotic Progression Among Patients With Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts.
14. Background - Vascular inflammation and lipid deposition are prominent features of atherosclerotic lesion formation.
15. When the intima of a blood vessel is disrupted, as happens after a cut or the rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque, subendothelial collagen and von Willebrand factor are exposed to circulating blood.
16. Objective To learn the security of ticlopidine by observing its short-term adverse effect in treating patients with coronary atherosclerotic heart disease.
17. Lots of researches have shown thatplateletleukocyte aggregation is very important in the formation of atherosclerotic plaque.
18. One each case of acute embolism of right common iliac artery, secondary thrombosis of atherosclerotic right external iliac artery and intimal dissection of the right common iliac artery were treated.
19. Thus was born the Interstate High - way System(, now the atherosclerotic arteries of American commerce.
20. Objective To study the risk factors of patients with atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis (ARAS) and the relation with renal function.
21. Focal dissection during guide insertion may complicate a severely atherosclerotic artery.
22. Thromboxane A2 can also be produced in circulating monocytes and macrophages within atherosclerotic plaque (figure 1).
23. Conclusion: Injuring the intima by dilatalting the carotid artery with larger sacculus plus high lipid diet can successfully establish carotid artery atherosclerotic stenosis model in mini-swine.
24. In addition, development of drugs endothelial gap junction may benefit patients with atherosclerotic disease.
25. This might be related to the proinflammatory effects of OxLDL in the initiation and progression of atherosclerotic plaque.
26. Conclusion CMV plays an important role in the pathological process ofthe atherosclerosis and atherosclerotic cerebral infarction.
27. OBJECTIVE To study the expression of lysyloxidase gene (LOX) in atherosclerotic artery.
28. AIM: To observe the effects of pravastatin on carotid atherosclerotic plaques and C-reactive protein (CRP) in patients with cerebral infarction.
29. Patterns of shear stress may contribute to the focal distribution atherosclerotic lesions.
30. Local MBL expression, by myeloid cells, is shown to critically control development of atherosclerotic lesions.
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