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Artillery in a sentence

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Sentence count:264+14Posted:2017-03-08Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: armssmallSimilar words: tillergalleryscullerykillercartilagepainkillerallergysellerMeaning: [ɑː'tɪlərɪ]  n. 1. large but transportable armament 2. an army unit that uses big guns 3. a means of persuading or arguing. 
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151) Using tanks, heavy artillery and the threat of air strikes, they succeeded in defeating the rebels in 18 hours.
152) The CFE treaty provided for the destruction of around 40,000 tanks, artillery, helicopters and other equipment by 1995.
153) Bill Lucas, used the lull to call in artillery fire and F-18 Hornet bomber strikes on suspected enemy positions.
154) Pristina is surrounded by artillery ranges that belonged to the old Yugoslav army.
155) There has already been artillery fire, and many expect a new offensive in the coming weeks.
155) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
156) The real power of most artillery lies in its long reach.
157) These Federals, aided by a number of artillery batteries, man-aged to check Jackson on his left and in his center.
158) The artillery prep had not destroyed most of these rounds.
159) Aurangzeb's musketeers held their fire until the last minute, then discharged their entire artillery.
160) Attempts to smash wire defences by artillery barrage were seldom successful.
161) There was a trick to it, which involved artillery and white phosphorus, but the overall effect was spectacular.
162) The effects of the artillery bombardment and the air strikes had been devastating.
163) The sonic assault doesn't have to be all heavy artillery.
164) To determine how far the ball bounces roll the Artillery dice again and mark the spot where the ball comes to land.
165) Nothing could be heard save the thunder of artillery... and the continuous roar of musketry.
166) Often no artillery or air support, even if we are overrun.
167) Artillery, Engineer, and Signals regiments, and its logistic corps, were tailored to support them.
168) Giap also perceived that his artillery was vulnerable to air raids.
169) Some of those artillery pieces look a little elderly.
170) The artillery has more firepower than the infantry.
171) A brigade of field artillery was waiting, limbered up.
172) A round of tank - artillery fire rings out.
173) The soldiers went back under heavy artillery fire.
174) Artillery cruiser and guided missile cruiser.
175) Taiwanese artillery fired on a Vietnamese supply ship.
176) Today the Iraqi artillery attacked Al - Fao port.
177) Cannon Maker allows the construction of simple varieties of siege artillery.
178) But my all predictions all have depends on has according to, cannot to who randomly fire the artillery!
179) The diameter of a large projectile, such as an artillery shell, measured in millimeters or in inches.
180) The EQ-36 radar's delivery on July 2 followed its successful live-fire performance testing against indirect fire from mortars, artillery and rockets from a simulated enemy.
More similar words: tillergalleryscullerykillercartilagepainkillerallergysellerrollerdwellerallergicfertilestillstrollertill nowfertilityfertilizeinstillcomptrollermilletinfertilitystandstilltitillatefilledkilledartisttitillatedspilledillegalchilled
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