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Appreciated in a sentence

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Sentence count:185+13Posted:2016-12-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: appreciateappreciationdepreciateappropriateemaciatedappropriatelyassociatedpreciseMeaning: [ə'priːʃɪeɪt]  adj. 1. giving pleasure or satisfaction 2. fully understood or grasped. 
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61. But it was less appreciated by children.
62. Any good clean jumble or bric-a-brac will be appreciated.
63. Jan's abilities are not fully appreciated by her employer.
64. Even Alfred appreciated how much she helped.
65. Modigliani appreciated Kisling for what he was, a sweet-natured, high-spirited, sensual young man.
66. Such earnings are little appreciated outside the specialist areas of business such as finance and insurance which directly contribute to invisible earnings.
67. Delegates agreed afterwards that they found more ground for agreement than conflict and appreciated the frank and open discussions.
68. The match angler's fixed link-leger is less sensitive than a fixed paternoster as can be appreciated by studying Fig. 1.
69. In recent years the historical value of these has come to be appreciated.
70. It will be appreciated that for most kinds of work and most working organisations it is not feasible to employ specialist ergonomists.
71. We believe that few theoreticians appreciated this point immediately(, and therefore discuss it first.
72. By this time, the College appreciated me rather more and there was a different bursar.
73. Any info amongst your vast audience or from yourself would be much appreciated.
74. Votes can be appreciated more than any amount of money, especially if they can be produced or denied in significant blocs.
75. The nursing care and kindness of the staff of Ward 14 was excellent and greatly appreciated.
76. But their details are often still controversial and their meaning can only be appreciated by placing them in context.
77. It has to be appreciated that, in a complex industrialised society such as ours, some wastes are unavoidable.
78. Her ability to keep the notoriously impatient monarch amused was greatly appreciated in royal circles.
79. The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciatedWilliam James 
79. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
80. We have appreciated so much the support, encouragement, prayers and interest of many from the fellowship over the last year.
81. You commitment to the project is very much appreciated by management.
82. This needs serious appraisal because it may indicate that recovery is far more fragile than might have been appreciated.
83. Your help and support in promoting the Awards would be much appreciated.
84. We also greatly appreciated the support of our sponsors without which the event could not have taken place.
85. And for once he knew he was fully appreciated by his Buttermere neighbours and even by his wife.
86. As they fully appreciated that being a manager meant placing their destiny in others' hands, many panicked.
87. The goodness of her own good characters was a thing she always insisted on, and felt to be imperfectly appreciated.
88. A muddy bottom is greatly appreciated by all Bacopa species.
89. It will be appreciated that this rapidly developing field of expertise contains extensive new jargon.
90. My father especially appreciated the fact that the Lincoln Park golf course was just six blocks away.
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