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Apple-shaped in a sentence

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Sentence count:8Posted:2024-09-18Updated:2024-09-18
Similar words: saddle-shapedneedle-shapedsickle-shapedspindle-shapedcone-shapedcube-shapeddome-shapedtree-shapedMeaning: adj. having the general shape of an apple. 
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1. Overweight men tend to be "apple-shaped", overweight women "pear-shaped".
2. Overweight men tend to be "apple-shaped", overweight women "pear-shaped". For complex physiological and biological reasons, this extra fat around the middle causes much greater harm.
3. A chef shows off his apple-shaped pizza tribute to Steve·Jobs in Naples.
4. A restaurant worker shows off an apple-shaped pizza as a tribute to Steve Jobs in Naples.
5. Scientists at the Universities of Pittsburgh and California found that women with large hips and small waists are cleverer than those with either "apple-shaped" or linear bodies.
6. Women with excess fat on their hips (pear-shaped), however, are apparently more likely to have trouble remembering things than those with fat on their waists (apple-shaped).
7. The study found that women with large hips and small waists are more intelligent than those with either "apple-shaped" or linear bodies.
8. Researchers in Germany report that even among people who are normal weight, having excess fat around the abdomen — being apple-shaped, that is — can increase the risk of premature death.
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