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Altai mountains in a sentence

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Sentence count:17Posted:2024-04-15Updated:2024-04-15
Similar words: mountain sheepmountainsidechain of mountainsmountain stateural mountainsrocky mountainsgreen mountainsatlas mountainsMeaning: n. a mountain range in central Asia that extends a thousand miles from Kazakhstan eastward into western Mongolia and northern China. 
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(1) Permafrost in the Altai Mountains in central Asia, sea ice in Alaska and glaciers in the Rocky Mountains were studied for the research.
(2) The major active faults of Altai Mountains in backland of Asian continent are introduced in this paper.
(3) The researchers base their claim on DNA from a finger bone belonging to a hominid that lived in the Altai Mountains of central Asia between about 48,000 and 30,000 years ago.
(4) But then he discovered that it had already died out in Inner Mongolia, so he first went to Outer Mongolia, then to the Altai Mountains in Xinjiang to find a teacher.
(5) One project is to save frozen tombs in the Altai Mountains of Kazakhstan and Russia, which in the past 60 years have yielded burials with well-preserved grave goods.
(6) The Late Paleozoic volcanic rocks (from Early Devonian to Early Permian) were widely distributed in the south margin of the Altai Mountains.
(7) The uplifting, right-lateral strike-slip shearing, tilting and southward shearing of the Altai Mountains in Xinjiang have affected, since Oligocene, the drainage systems evolution and development.
(8) Francfort is head of a French archaeological team in Central Asia that played an important part in excavating the Kurgans, or frozen tombs[sentence dictionary], of nomadic Scythian tribes in Siberia's Altai mountains.
(9) Hongshanzui port is located in the middle of the Altai mountains, is a seasonal open ports.
(10) So, the intense neotectonic movement and seismic activity on the eastern margin of Altai Mountains are related to the collision of India-Eurasia plate and maybe to the regional kinematic process.
(11) The area where Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia, and China meet is called the Altai Knot and is in the heart of the Altai Mountains.
(12) At that time, Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans also lived in that region of Siberia, deep in the Altai Mountains.
(13) The bryoflora in Xinjiang consists of 419 species belonging to 163 genera of 55 families, while the bryoflora of Altai Mountains and Kunlun Mountains still need more investigations.
(14) Iron ore mainly in the mountains of Kent , Altai mountains, lakes and hovsgol selenga basin.
(15) The fossil scrap —just the tip of a juvenile female’s finger —was discovered in 2008 during excavations of Denisova cave in Siberia’s Altai Mountains.
(16) hominid3This curious sequence was extracted from a piece of finger bone unearthed in 2008 at Denisova Cave in southern Siberia’s Altai Mountains.
(17) This curious sequence was extracted from a piece of finger bone unearthed in 2008 at Denisova Cave in southern Siberia’s Altai Mountains.
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