Synonym: ABC, ABC's, ABCs, first principle, first rudiment, rudiment. Similar words: alphabetical, alphabetically, abet, abettor, abetment, diabetes, aid and abet, elizabeth i. Meaning: ['ælfəbɪt] n. 1. a character set that includes letters and is used to write a language 2. the elementary stages of any subject (usually plural).
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91. Each Chinese character is accompanied by Chinese phonetic alphabet.
92. The ninth letter of the Greek alphabet.
93. Z is the last letter in the English alphabet.
94. Greek alphabet has 24 characters.
95. Each calligraphy alphabet has a set size.
96. The phonetic alphabet of Chinese.
97. The eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
98. He taught himself the alphabet of biology.
99. The Greek alphabet has 24 characters.
100. Become a pro at belching the alphabet.
101. I can spell my name in Hanyu Pinyin [], the Chinese phonetic alphabet.
102. More then that, in Hebraic culture, each alphabet carries a meaning and we shall see now the psalmist expresses his love for the Word of God through the meaning of each Hebrew alphabet.
103. In the English alphabet, what comes after the letter E?
104. Kim: My favorite! And I want some alphabet soup, too!
105. The Roman alphabet is more efficient, and efficiency usually wins in the end when the disparity is this huge.
106. It'starts from the Chinese phonetic alphabet and ends at the HSK examination.
107. He used from one to six dots for each letter of the alphabet.
108. By using various coding techniques, group of bits can be made to represent not only binary number but also other discrete symbols, such as decimal digits or letter of alphabet.
109. He knew the finger alphabet, whereby the deaf and dumb communicate.
110. Three in 10 five-year-old boys have trouble reciting the alphabet and one in five are unable to count to 10, according to statistics representing England and Wales, published for the first time today.
111. There he learned to read the 26 letters of the alphabet.
112. His father, a lawyer, chose the letter C from the English alphabet, saying it was simple, memorable and stood for China.
113. Each of the lines contains one word of maximally 50 of the English alphabet.
113. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
114. The O is the key letter of the Uncial alphabet.
115. What you've just read is a lipogram –a text written without using a particular letter of the alphabet.
116. Interestingly, it is an acrostic poem, using the successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet as a framework, and for this reason the thoughts do not flow together as smoothly as in most other psalms.
117. The first fully developed account of her mythology is found in the Alphabet of Ben Sira, written between the 7th and 10th centuries.
118. The 26 inherently meaningless letters of the Roman alphabet suited the technology perfectly, and within three decades there were print shops in every corner of the continent.
119. happens because most Chinese people use electronic input systems based on Pinyin, which translates Chinese characters into the Roman alphabet.
120. The letter C is the third letter of the alphabet.
More similar words: alphabetical, alphabetically, abet, abettor, abetment, diabetes, aid and abet, elizabeth i, habeas corpus, writ of habeas corpus, dolphin, cell phone, cellphone, abed, label, saber, bet, philadelphia, habit, arabesque, palpable, labeling, abeyance, aberrant, sherbet, phase, shabby, labelling, astrolabe, better.