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Airbus in a sentence

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Sentence count:81+1Posted:2018-02-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: air bubbleair bagairbagair baseairborneairbrushair brakehairbrushMeaning: n. a subsonic jet airliner operated over short distances. 
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61. The Airbus A 380 is a double - decker aircraft that holds 555 passengers.
62. 2010-02-01 Airbus announced recently to lift its catalogue price of current jets by 5.8 percent in average, the first price hike in two years.
63. The regulations of FAA and Airbus for aircraft seat cushion were introduced in detail.
64. Mr. Tyler said the Airbus aircraft involved joined Cathay Pacific's fleet in 1998 and last underwent a full maintenance overhaul in October 2008.
65. Boeing quits the global supply chain while Airbus adopts it.
66. The Yemenia plane is the second Airbus to crash into the sea in a month.
67. "This WTO ruling shatters the convenient myth that European governments must illegally subsidise Airbus to counter US government assistance to Boeing, " said Michael Luttig, general counsel at Boeing.
68. Airbus said this did not imply that the doomed pilots did anything wrong or that a design fault was in any way responsible for the crash.
69. A faulty part or design issue may have caused the explosion in an engine on a Qantas Airways Airbus A380 that forced an emergency landing in Singapore, Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce said Friday.
70. If you wait at that bus stop, you can catch the airbus.
71. Airbus is a big family and China is a full - time family member.
72. Renault, Peugeot, Airbus and EDF have all also suffered similar problems in recent years.
73. When we come, I really want to take one of those new Airbus triple-deckers , but Mum says it might be just a plain old double-decker, just like we take on our shopping trips to Chennai.
73. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
74. Both Airbus and Boeing offer cabin designs tailored to Chinese customers, including a circular dining table with a lazy Susan, to allow passengers to eat family style or play mahjong.
75. The delays to the 787 have been a godsend for Airbus.
76. Interviews - were standing masters: Airbus A380 passenger plane 17-day global test flight navigation will arrive in Shanghai on the 23rd of this month.
77. AP Chief Executive Officer Alan Joyce Qantas Airways 8, said its three Airbus A380 aircraft engine oil, and therefore decided that all A380 aircraft grounded for 72 hours.
78. Three chief executives have had to leave EADS and Airbus.
79. French investigators have focused on the Airbus 330's speed sensors, called pitot tubes, which may have malfunctioned.
80. The great white hope aircraft industry was the European airbus.
81. The order comes as a boost for EADS and its Airbus Military subsidiary, which has partnered with Northrop Grumman to offer the A330 in a U.S. Air Force tender for replacement of its air tanker fleet.
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