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Adige in a sentence

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Sentence count:7Posted:2023-08-08Updated:2023-08-08
Similar words: digestindigentdigestedindigenedigesterpredigestdigestiondigestiveMeaning: n. a river in northern Italy that flows southeast into the Adriatic Sea. 
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1. This is the postcode category of Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy.
2. Alsace and Alto Adige; New Mexico and New Zealand..
3. Other well-known rivers include the Tiber, Adige and Arno.
4. Verona is on the Adige.
5. A city of northeast Italy between the Adige and Po rivers southwest of Venice.
6. Italy's first modern law on antiseismic norms was passed in 1976, as a response to the temblor that devastated the Trentino Alto Adige, a northern province in the Alps.
7. The exception : Alois Lageder, a man whose family has made wine in Alto Adige, the northernmost province in Italy, since 1855.
More similar words: digestindigentdigestedindigenedigesterpredigestdigestiondigestiveindigencedigestingindigenousundigesteddigestibleindigestionpredigestedpredigestionindigenouslyindigestibledigestive tubedigestibilitydigestive glanddigestive tractdigestive juicedigestive systemparadigmaerobic digestionindigenous languagedigital radioparadigmaticdig
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  • MBWUpmEH 2023-09-24 13:25:01
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