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SPL in a sentence

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Sentence count:40Posted:2018-08-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: splitsplatsplaysplintsplashspliffspleensplice
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31 Feature models are widely used in the SPL requirements commonality and variability analysis phase to model all possible configurations of SPL member applications.
32 The usual stored information may consist of the 'A' Weighted Leq, LN values, SPL values and perhaps 1:3 Octave Band information for tonal analysis.
33 If the new club is voted in to the SPL or SFL surely this would set a bad precedent for other clubs currently in debt?
34 What would happen to this season's results and the SPL table if Rangers liquidate before the end of the season?
35 Your goal is to be able to easily use this matrix inverse function in SPL code.
36 There are a lot of factions the SFL are at war with the SPL and it does not make for good reading.
37 This was checked out by Hearts and the SPL prior to Saturday's game.
38 Currently,( Houston's men lie seventh in what's been an extremely competitive start to the SPL season.
39 The following is a sample SPL function that utilizes the matrix inverse function ml::inv that wraps the ml_inv function from MATLAB.
40 Inverness have been in the SPL for a number of years.
More similar words: splitsplatsplaysplintsplashspliffspleensplicedisplaysplendidmisplaysplashysplit upsplenicsplashedsplit offcrisplysplodgesplotchsplurgesplotchysplatterspluttermisplacedisplacesplittersplendorsplit endsplit downsplinter
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