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SPL in a sentence

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Sentence count:40Posted:2018-08-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: splitsplatsplaysplintsplashspliffspleensplice
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1 Iterators: SPL offers some advanced iterator algorithms.
2 Motherwell have become the latest SPL club to say they will vote in favour of the new league structure.
3 SPL members can parameterize these advertised characteristics to control how clients discover and bind to them.
4 Spent Potlining ( SPL ) is the byproduct waste of electrolytic aluminum industry.
5 SPL PSGV is fully guided through out its travel in sliding seat.
6 Rattus Rattus (Credit: SPL)Invasive rats are compensating for the loss of native pollinators in New Zealand, scientists report.
7 The SPL centralized INCONEL cone springs which distribute uniformly loading on both seats as well as compensating for irregular expansion of seats and seat wear.
8 This is a sample SPL application that initializes the MATLAB runtime, performs a matrix inversion via the ml::inv function, and finalizes the MATLAB runtime.
9 Their promotion to the SPL means the return of the Dundee derby against old rivals and near neighbours Dundee United.
10 It's SPL survival or bust for everyone at Ibrox now.
11 That's what people within the SPL are trying to bring.
12 The Phar object uses the ArrayAccess SPL object to allow accessing the contents of the archive as an array, so it opens up many ways of adding files to the archive.
13 The SPL said a new five-year television deal was a sign of improved finances.
14 Sound Pressure Level (SPL) Sound pressure level is a measurement of the pressure fluctuations of a sound wave as it propagates through the air.
15 I would certainly like one body running the SPL and the SFL.
16 CATIA - Structure Preliminary Layout 2 (SPL) provides a set of tools for shipbuilding designers, at the preliminary-draft phase, who whish to set up the early definition of ship structural elements.
17 Higher sound pressure level(SPL)favored both collision efficiency and agglomeration kernel, so acoustic agglomeration increased in the higher-intensity acoustic field.
18 Which manager has been your toughest opponent in the SPL?
19 Donnie, 43 years old, is very active in screen. he is a dreamboat . spl, publicated in 2005, is one of his important masterpieces.
20 But they've improved a lot just from their experience of being in the SPL.
21 Lead alloys as solder for transducers used in high-powered (designated to operate for several hours at acoustic power levels of 125 dB SPL and above) loudspeakers.
22 What happens if the board votes to reject the new club's application to transfer ownership of Rangers' share in the SPL?
23 Goals by Jim Goodwin and Lewis Guy in this September game gave Danny Lennon his first SPL home win of the season.
24 Combining with the national and foreign related standards, the selection of SPL (Sound Pressure Level) of sound reinforcement system is discussed in terms of technique and implement.
25 Fans should have a stake in their clubs and in the SPL board.
26 By positioning this unit on the side of the cabinet a remarkably compact loudspeaker system is achieved; one that offers high power handling and high SPL outputs.
27 They are a massive club trying to get back to the SPL.
28 We're criticised for not scoring enough goals but no one mentions we have the second best defensive record in the SPL.
29 The new support for statement labels and the GOTO and LOOP statements provide greater flexibility in iterating and in exiting from statement loops in SPL routines.
30 Every player in the team already has some experience of the SPL - and they were all champing at the bit to get back in.
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