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Blum in a sentence

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Sentence count:28Posted:2018-09-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: BLUblueblurblubblusherblushblurbblurt
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1. Blum and Noble examined DNA samples from the brains of corpses of thirty-five alcoholics and thirty-five nonalcoholics.
2. Blums, 29, told police he and Osborn talked about the shootings several times over the years.
3. Blums believed Osborn had planted a knife and had arranged for some one to find it and report it to police.
4. Prof. Joachim Blum, Media Consultant, Germany.
5. Blum, Inc. is a research and development, production, sales mix color in one professional group.
6. Blum said the new study is the kind of researchthe institute believes has been lacking.
7. In a commentary with the study, Robert Blum, of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg school of public health, in Baltimore, says that 75% of all deaths in the second decade of life are preventable.
8. As Blum says of the current face of ageing, "I think it puts women on high alert all the time.
9. "The cycle of gratification is endless, " says Blum, "because what will happen?
10. Blum had told him that he was consulting with the museum about the expansion of the sculpture garden, but he did not mention anything about auctions.
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11. A separate review by Blum and his colleagues found that the most rigorous research on the topic did not find a relationship between abortion and long-term mental health problems.
12. Blum serves on an Institute of Medicine committee that recently released a report urging more research on gay health issues.
13. Though the latest study was done in Denmark, Blum said it's comparable to the U.S. Access to abortion is similar in both countries though Denmark tends to be more conservative.
14. When he finished examining the images, Blum pronounced his verdict: 20 to 30 percent of the artifacts were outstanding, and the same percentage were nice decorative pieces.
15. Blum opened the box with a razor blade, and out slid a two-inch-thick binder containing photos and descriptions of about 225 ornaments the museum was considering for auction.
16. Yes," said Dr. Robert Blum of Johns Hopkins' Bloomberg School of Public Health.
17. Blum flipped past an evocative sandstone carving of a child and a pelican, then admired a griffin plaque.
18. Court documents give this account: The day after the shootings, Osborn met Blums in a park.
19. On behalf of the CPC Central Committee and the NPC, Wu extended welcome to Blum.
20. Shaking a little, Karp began to leaf through a copy of the binder the museum had sent Blum, which I had brought to the gallery.
21. "That's a different look because you have to look a little bit more serious and professional," Blum said.
22. If the plan cleared the committee, and if the board of trustees approved it, Blum could hold an auction in the fall.
23. Before installation, I will give you a brief understanding of the components for Blum slides, to include jointers , drawer frames, hand rail, cross bar, soft-close bumpers, slides and so on.
24. When I told him that the Brooklyn Museum was planning to auction off so many ornaments through Blum, Karp was astonished. "If they're deaccessioning to sell, that's very discomfiting, " he exclaimed.
25. Put them over the girl, one above the other and change both layers ? type on Linear Blum.
26. "Forget all talk about 'hair of the dog', Hemingway's solution of tomato juice and beer, or a greasy breakfast, " said Blum.
27. "As we restructure, we are eliminating some positions and in addition to that, we're shifting some positions from Yum to our brands, " spokesman Jonathan Blum told Reuters.
28. The principle of the probe, the programming method of the BLUM touch trigger probeare also introduced.
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