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121. The BBC is incorporated under a Royal Charter, which means it is a state organization but not government controlled.
122. The practice came to light in a BBC documentary, My Supermodel Baby.
123. Thats why the BBC invests more heavily in newsgathering than any other news organisation I know; 72 bureaux, around 250 correspondents - the importance of first-hand reporting.
124. This is the BBC Home Service . It's That Man Again!
125. Self-rule gives residents of the world's largest island more control over their lives, including local government control of the police and courts, the BBC reported.
126. Mae hyn fel arfer i Uned Cwynion Golygyddol annibynnol y BBC neu uwch reolwyr.
127. Freeman played staff cut-up Tim Canterbury on the U.K. version of The Office before taking on the role of Dr. John Watson in BBC detective show Sherlock.
128. BBC Hausa has a large audience in northern Nigeria, where Hausa is the main language.
129. Based on the combination of sliding-mode control(SMC) and bang-bang control(BBC), a discrete sliding-mode bang-bang control(DSMBBC) method is proposed in this paper.
130. In contributing to BBC News you agree to grant us a royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to publish and otherwise use the material in any way that we want, and in any media worldwide.
131. ABB consists of two of history 100 years of international business - Sweden's Asea Inc. (ASEA), and Switzerland's BBC Brown Boveri Corporation (BBC Brown Boveri) in 1988 came the merger.
132. "I can't be nicking rounds out here, I've got to be winning them decisively, " Macklin told BBC WM.
133. In the villages little English is spoken and our BBC Portuguese phrasebook is soon well thumbed.
134. "Societies have constantly reinvented ancient Rome, likening it to the contemporary world, " says University of Cambridge professor Mary Beard,(www.Sentencedict.com) a script adviser on the forthcoming BBC series.
135. The BBC correspondent says the anti-pirates emission anti-piracy mission is controversial in Japan because of its passivist pacifist post-Second World War constitution.
136. But the Housing Development Foundation told the BBC Saint Petersburg needed the land more than berries and apple trees.
137. 'Spores of liverwort are very simple and called cryptospores, ' Dr Rubeinstein told the BBC.
138. BBC correspondent in the capital Lilongwe says government buildings have again been attacked.
139. His recording of the Grieg Concerto with the London Symphony Orchestra was chosen by the BBC Saturday Review as the best version of this much-recorded concerto.
140. Harvard University's homepage was hacked on Monday morning, and visitors to the site were greeted with the garbled message "SyRiAn ELeCTronic ArMy WeRe HeRE," reports BBC News.
141. She said that outside the BBC, radio would not be commercially viable and was therefore likely to end up solely in the form of "hobbyist" models such as podcasts.
142. BBC News with Marion MarshallAt least 18 people are now known to have been killed in a suicide bomb attack on a United Nations building in the Nigerian capital Abuja.
143. Unlike the BBC, which is financed by a licence fee paid by British viewers, the other networks, even state-owned Channel 4, had to live by selling advertising space.
144. Downes, 85, was almost blind when he and his 74-year-old wife, who had become his full-time carer, travelled to Switzerland to end their lives, a family statement released to the BBC said.
145. BBC tidak bertanggungjawab atas isi dari situs pihak luar; penggunaan situs tersebut merupakan resiko anda sendiri.
146. And every poll, every survey - I particularly bring to your attention the BBC/ABC/ARD [public opinion survey] of earlier this year - shows that their support is in the single-digits.
147. Dr Bertolucci, the director of research at Cern, told BBC News: "In the last few days we have started to send a different time structure of the beam to Gran Sasso.
148. Situs BBC berisi link-link ke situs yang dimiliki dan dioperasikan oleh pihak ketiga.
149. Just return the "Kohinoor" for a start and then we can talk about BBC spending money to cover Indian elections.
150. "International law recognises that there are exceptional circumstances where necessity precludes wrongfulness, and this will be said to be one of those cases, " Mr Sands told the BBC.