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Arg in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2018-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: argy-bargyargotfargomargetargebargeargueargus
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(1) Results: TLR 2 Arg 677 Trp and Arg 753 Gln were not detected in the study subjects.
(2) So here's a program called Arg V, this is fancy speak for argument Vector, a list of arguments for the left or right.
(3) ... L - Arginine, L - Glycine and L - Aspartate as a raw material, used DCC coupling method to synthesize Arg - Gly - Asp ( RGD ).
(4) Template parameter specifying the argument type used to access objects stored in the array. Often a reference to TYPE. ARG _TYPE is a parameter that is passed to CArray.
(5) Purpose To investigate the association between p 53 Arg 72 Pro polymorphism and cervical carcinoma in Uigur women.
(6) ARG reports back material volume numbers on a weekly basis, utilizing email, web-based imaging, and spread sheet communication.
(7) Antioxidtive Maillard reaction products can be formed arg inine and xylose.
(8) The parameter arg is left to deliver detailed command information needed by the specific device to do its required work.
(9) By convention, it's Arg C(, because it means argument count.
(10) explore the correlationship between Arg 130 Gln in the IL - 13 gene and serum totalimmunoglobulin E ( IgE ), IL - 13 levels and aeroallergen.
(11) RGD is composed of three amino acids, arginine ( Arg ), glycine ( Gly ) and aspartic acid ( Asp ).
(12) The default constructor invoked the no - arg constructor of the superclass.
(13) Conclusion The model of Fgfr 3 Gly 374 Arg mutation causing achondroplasia in mice has been established successfully.
(14) The array function append( arg ) adds arg to the end of the array( ), thus accumulating a list in the process.
(15) Pro , Tyr, His , Arg in diploid type could not be determined.
(16) I print F, I backslash N, just to pretty up the screen, ArgC I then iterate from, I equal zero up to Arg C; so Arg C is the convention.
(17) The activities of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), acid phosphatase (ACP) and arginase (Arg) were detected by automatic biochemistry analyzer.
(18) This paper reports studies on the proteolytic conversion of the nonapeptidearginine - vasotocin ( AVT , Cvs - Tyr - Ile - Gln - Asn - Cys - Pro - Arg - GlyNH 2 ) by toad brainsynaptic membranes.
(19) Arg. by preliminary test. Methods:The extracted mixture of Mallotus barbatus(Wall. ) Muell. Arg. from petroleum ether, purified water and 95%ethanol were studied by test tube method.
(20) Nine mutations including 12 bp duplication , GGCATTGCCCGG encoding Gly - He - Ala - Arg were found in Bos Taurus.
(21) The major peptide fragment of AVT was AVT 1 _ 8 ( Cys - Tyr - IleGln - Asn - Cys - Pro - Arg ).
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