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60 in a sentence

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Sentence count:189+31 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. the cardinal number that is the product of ten and six. adj. being ten more than fifty. 
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31 This often exits in a man of 60, more than a boy of 20.
32 From her son's age, I deduced that her husband must be at least 60.
33 He retired from the business when he was 60.
34 The farm lies 60 kilometres north-east of Cape Town.
35 The building society agreed to lend us £60,000.
36 Most of the events listed cost under £60.
37 He has appeared in over 60 movies.
38 Employees can retire at 60 if they choose.
39 The fee was pitiful - only about £60.
40 She was oldish - about 60,[sentencedict .com] I'd say.
41 Only 60% of eligible voters actually used their vote.
42 State pensions become payable to women at age 60.
43 Prices jumped 60% last year.
44 This bus takes 60 passengers.
45 The officer asked out when he was 60.
46 He was driving over the 60 mph speed limit.
47 60 percent of the population is non-white.
48 Bicycle for sale: £60 o.n.o.
49 Nancy must be going on for 60.
50 He's scored something like 60 goals this season.
51 Acceleration to 60 mph takes a mere 5.7 seconds.
52 Maintain your speed at 60 mph.
53 At 60, he was no longer liable for conscription.
54 These ideas have remained largely unchallenged for 60 years.
55 She must be about 60 or thereabouts.
56 They knocked off $60 because of a scratch.
57 The cashier embezzled $ 60,000 from the bank.
58 12 goes into 60 five times.
59 The speedometer was rocking between 60 and 65.
60 The car is priced at $60,000.
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