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Home > Zincic in a sentence

Zincic in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2018-03-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: iciclecicerocicadaciceroneboracicfarcicalacicularfarcically
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1. The treatment to Zincic waste water by amphoteric ion exchange resin was investigated by static adsorption method.
2. But, everyday zincic dosage cannot exceed 15 microgramme absolutely, because excessive takes zinc, can affect human body inside other mineral action.
3. Be before these two elements cause zincic price 3 quarters sore and four quarters steep fall...
4. If carry momentum is big, be short of zincic more, when perspiring because of the man, than feminine loss more zinc.
5. There is enough zincic talent to make sure sexual desire is exuberant inside human body, sexual function and reproductive ability health are normal.
6. But, if blood is calcic content is exorbitant, can hamper zincic absorption.
7. Next, the male should notice nutrition on food, eat food of a few rich zincic more, wait for shrimp of testacean , fish, beef, egg and bean products like oyster.
8. And a few inferior coal are tracheal, conduit intensity on the low side, tube wall is thin, seam welder art backward, seam insufficient rigor, zincic layer is thin, antirust difference.
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9. It is the manufacturer that a major casts model of shoe of zincic radical alloy, aluminium radical alloy.
10. It utilizes the NH3-NH4CL solution to smelt the flowers of zinc and the ash from the lead factory and the zincic industry waste residue and so on.
11. What does the fruit that contains selenium element and zincic element have?
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