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Wu in a sentence

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Sentence count:256Posted:2018-09-19Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. a dialect of Chinese spoken in the Yangtze delta. 
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211. Zhang Taiyan s works Qi Wu Lun Shi clarifies his own ways of inner sageliness and outer kingliness by expounding the philosophy of Zhuang Zi in Buddhist tradition.
212. The conference by association of Chinese construction business management standing vice - president Comrade Wu Xiegang is chaired.
213. Will it be possible for me to see Mr. Wu, manager of the canned goods department?
214. Wu Jinying is grasping steel knife to slaughter a cattle in workshop is involute arm, hand.
215. Mr. Wu described Mr. Spacey as "the most generous actor I have worked with in my career."
216. Hangzhou is also one of the seven famous ancient chinese capital,[] Wu and Yue of Five Dynasty and Southern Sung Dynasty all set capital there.
217. Wukong, Mr. Wu, how could you talk with Kwan-yin sister like a brut...
218. In his small studio on West 37th Street, Mr. Wu, with close-cropped hair and a lineless face, wore a cardigan and a necktie and looked like a truant from boarding school.
219. In 1994, Wu Bai released his second album, " Wanderer's Love Song "
220. Most scholars in Chinese dialectology believe that the northern border of ancient Wu dialect is Huai River.
221. Mister Wu Feibai is a famous Mohist and logician in Chinese modern and contemporary history.
222. Prior to the talks, Wu presented a flower basket at the Monument of Independence and Humanism in the center of Tashkent.
223. After that person bought secret recipe, go go canvassing Wu Wang.
224. Professor Wu Ran last month published research on thermal breeder reactor energy yields from a variety of fuels.
225. The system is solved by using Wu Elimination and exact solitary wave solutions of nonlinear evolution equations are then obtained.
226. Wu Sun - fu snorted and glared at Tu Wei - yueh, his piercing eyes filled with a mounting rage.
227. Hui Dong is the famous bibliophile, emendator and confucianism of Qing Dynasty, founder of Confucian Classics of the school of Wu.
228. Our estimator is asymptotically equivalent to a model-calibration (MC) estimator in Wu and Sitter (2001) in the case of estimating the finite population mean.
229. Suddenly Wu Sun - fu threw the newspaper aside and laughed ironically.
230. Wu Sun - fu winced at the mention of Tseng Chia - chu, but nodded his head all the same.
231. In order to study half-speed whirl that is subjected to nonlinear oil force of rotor-bearing system, the Wu Elimination method and symbolic calculation method are combined in this paper.
232. Wu Sun - fu's thick eyebrows seemed to twitch, but his face betrayed not a flicker of emotion.
233. Finally, Wu Sun - fu said: " Anyway, come round straight away, " and rang off.
234. The Chinese Government has decided that Ambassador Wu Sike will succeed Ambassador Sun Bigan as China's Special Envoy on the Middle East issue.
235. Wu, another staff member has admitted involvement in the beating Sumou facts, and give out a nickname called "skinhead" who also participated in the assault.
236. I sit at cut - ling, said: " The non - Wu You also . "
237. It can't fill in the indivedual study to Wu Mingshi's opus.
238. Propose unique ideas to doubts and eisegesis existed in textual research and discrimination of Ming Wu.
239. Whence no flight of Birds could be Blown into Wu.
240. Anhui Province Wu He County youth country fair public square!
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