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Wu in a sentence

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Sentence count:256Posted:2018-09-19Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. a dialect of Chinese spoken in the Yangtze delta. 
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181. Yao Opera is one of local operas of Tanhuang that belongs to Wu linguistic system with its forebody being "Yuyao Tanhuang".
182. Current, wu Kelan home has many 20 atomic power stations.
183. WU Sun - fu assured him with a sardonic smile.
184. The NPC's chairman, Wu Bangguo, went further, telling delegates that the country faced an "abyss of internal disorder" if it strayed from the "correct political orientation".
185. Wu did not forget of course, revenge, lu nine break in one fell swoop Wu Jun, Chu Ying Du, Ping Wu dug tomb Bianshi three hundred, at a blood feud.
186. It was midnight when Wu Xinghu and his wife finally persuaded their one-year-old son to go to sleep, tucking him carefully into the corner of their bed,[Sentence dictionary] against the wall so that he would not roll out.
187. China Merchants Securities analyst Wu Dong long - term commitment to the company's follow - up study.
188. The jury deadlocked on a fourth count of conspiracy against the woman, Lori Drew, 49, and the judge, George H. Wu of Federal District Court, declared a mistrial on that charge.
189. The only exception was Wu Sun - fu , who just parted his lips in a barely perceptible smile.
190. Before Wu, the most recent government figure was the uber contemporary dragon-lady, Jiang Qing aka Madame Mao, who played an instrumental role in steering the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976).
191. Both of them will report to Mr. Wu Mengkang, the CEO Burnett in Great China Area.
192. Wu Xiaobang ( 1906 - 1995 ) was a pioneer and seed sower of modern Chinese dances.
193. Wu Tongwei is forecasted 2010, the crop of flat TV will exceed CRT TV.
194. Wu Kuaidan book wholesale market, behind the station in place, outside the Ring Road.
195. The Battle of the Red Cliffs determined the triangular balance of power of the three kingdoms, Wei, Shu and Wu.
196. First, Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Wu Hongbo will visit Czech and Slovakia.
197. Wu Nengsen. A study on Characteristics and Some Engineering Problems of Granite Residual Soil with Structural Nature. Nanjing: Nanjing University, 2005.
198. According to the myth of the moon, Chang E drank the elixir of life and Wu Kang cut down the cassia tree which can restore itself with each blow, implying an immortal spirit of life.
199. There’s at least one: The one that bagged Oregon Democrat David Wu, who until recently represented the state’s first Congressional district.
200. Overweening intellectuals stick up their tails which are longer than that of the Monkey Sun Wu - kung.
201. On January 25 2005, Chairman Wu Bangguo of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) met with Mauritian Prime Minster Paul Raymond Berenger at the Great Hall of the People.
202. Most scholars in Chinese dialectology believe that northern border of ancient Wu dialect is Huai River.
203. Wu previously worked at the Financial Research Institute under the central bank and now serves as an assistant researcher at the central bank's research bureau.
204. The first chapter makes an analysis of the solar culture about the original godhood of Hsi Wang Mu , which put special emphasis on "Hsi Wu".
205. In another report from February Mr Wu is described as "an arrogant, Marx-spouting former Red Guard", referring to the youngsters who spearheaded Mao Zedong's chaotic Cultural Revolution in the 1960s.
206. Wu Kai Sha Station will be the northern terminus of MOS Rail.
207. Wu Da, the portfolio manager of the new Global Cyclical Industries Large Cap Equity, which is run by Changsheng Fund Management Co., is investing in the U.S., Japan and Australia.
208. A KCR locomotive 58 towing a mail coach is going to Lo Wu marshalling yard.
209. Young Wu Liangxing often practiced penmanship under guidance of his father.
210. Wu sp . nov. and Seimatosporium Lichenicola ( Cda ) Shoemaker & Muller.
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