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Wu in a sentence

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Sentence count:256Posted:2018-09-19Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. a dialect of Chinese spoken in the Yangtze delta. 
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1. Wu panicked and locked the door.
2. Wu Tak Seng brought me tea and some rice.
3. He remembers, Afterward Wu lost his academic post because of Red Guard reports.
4. Her attorney, Jon Wu, said she was being wrongfully blamed for alleged misconduct by subordinates.
5. Wu Tak Seng had noticed his frequent descents to the noodle soup cart.
6. This is what happened to Ningkun Wu; he lost his university position after being denounced by zealots of the revolution.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. Wu Tak Seng himself is sitting on a varnished wooden chair in his doorway, in singlet and baggy shorts.
8. But Wu said Amelio must still convince customers they should buy Macs, a product that may have an uncertain future.
9. Wu looked at me and gestured to his own right eye and giggled.
10. Wu Sun - fu broke into a contemptuous laugh.
11. Then Xiao Wu beat a retreat.
12. Wu Zhijiang's head went in retractile door suddenly.
13. His exactness pleased Wu Sun - fu.
14. Xiao Wu at the venue gaspingly.
15. Wu Sun - fu retorted emphatically and somewhat irritably.
16. China's top negotiator will be Vice Premier Wu Yi.
17. Mr. Wu can play the accordion very much.
18. Shenzhen Lo Wu District residential investment value?
19. She glanced at Wu Chih - sheng inquiringly.
20. We deeply cherish the memory of Prof. Wu.
21. Now , Chairman Wu is China's chief lawmaker.
22. Pathogenetic identificatian of acute diffuse peritonitis WU Xiao - ting.
23. Wu Chengdian's photography cleverly deconstructs these symbolic structures by refusing to grant them a totalizing presence that transcends discrete perspective.
24. Then makexuan fu Sichuan, Wu Lin immediately deployed forces , shunt resistance.
25. It was Wu Chih - sheng. He was looking rather distraught, but managed to smile at her.
26. A widely-cited instance of this is Hopewell Holdings, the construction and property group controlled and managed by Gordon Wu.
27. She said afterward that Boxer was surprised to learn Wu did not sign a release form allowing for an autopsy.
28. Wang Ho - fu scratched his head and looked hesitantly at Wu Sun - fu , whose face was tense.
29. Motivated by the ideas of free boundary theory, we have obtained a more accurate integral solution than Wu Yushu? s, and interpreted practical examples by using an automated well test match technique.
30. On behalf of the CPC Central Committee and the NPC, Wu extended welcome to Blum.
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