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Whack in a sentence

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Sentence count:89+4Posted:2017-05-09Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: batblowcloutcrackhitjabslugsmackstrikeSimilar words: shackhackleshacklehackleshackneyedramshacklebackpackwhatMeaning: [hwæk /wæk]  n. 1. the sound made by a sharp swift blow 2. the act of hitting vigorously. v. hit hard. 
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31. There's still a fair whack of work to be done.
32. Don't leave all the work to her. Everyone should do their fair whack.
33. I've done my whack of the driving - it's your turn.
34. Whack a few men with your long pole.
35. She gave my hand a whack with a ruler.
36. That things were out of whack.
37. This is 180 degrees out of whack.
38. The printer is out of whack again.
39. From outside came another quick whack of the mallet.
40. And they are out of whack, Lovelock was to find out, because of the curious accumulative effects of coevolution.
41. Upon learning of this daily miracle, a curious neighbor gave the fish a whack.
42. In the fourth round of the Catalonia Open, the elements threw all our figuring out of whack.
43. You are expected to pay your whack to benefit society at large.
44. To be sure, my historical mentors in this race also took a whack at my Catholic heritage.
45. Or a guard will put a bucket on your head and whack it with a truncheon.
46. The commission would act as secretary, rich Arab countries would pay the biggest whack.
47. The mixture of gases in the atmosphere of the Earth are way out of whack.
48. To whack it over the net, land a dart in it.
49. At full whack, I would guess that the Rivera exhibits some very unsociable tendencies indeed.
50. Soon the whole valley was resounding with the same thud, thud, whack, from every rooftop in the village.
51. He got a bruising whack in his right eye - the one he uses to peer through his telescope at the stars.
52. He forgets I can lean forward in this great chair and give him a good whack across the shoulders.
53. A good whack gives a bad ache and may even double up your opponent.
54. Whack, the sound of the hatchet decapitating the poor thing.
55. Forget to duck - whack; your head hits a lintel.
56. Biotechs are among those expected to attract a whack of capital as the Baby Boomers age and the study of genomics
57. If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time - a tremendous whackWinston Churchill 
58. The player, equipped with a small mallet, attempted to whack each mole as it appeared.
59. If he said anything like that to me, I'd whack him!
60. He gives her another whack in the midsection with his elbow.
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