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Well behaved in a sentence

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Sentence count:27Posted:2017-03-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: behavemisbehavefall behindbehaviorbehavioralmisbehaviourwell-bredbehalfMeaning: adj. (usually of children) someone who behaves in a manner that the speaker believes is correct well-behaved. adj. (usually of children) someone who behaves in a manner that the speaker believes is correct. 
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1. The audience was surprisingly well behaved.
2. A police spokesman said the demonstrators were well behaved but wet.
3. On this occasion the children were particularly well behaved. 3.
4. The fans were well behaved, and the game was played without incident.
5. He promised that the horse was well behaved.
6. Your children are very well behaved.
7. Five of them were quiet and well behaved, but the sixth was a rude young man who was causing a lot of trouble to the other passengers.
8. But they saw how well behaved I was and decided it meant I could behave well only in the environment of a psychiatric hospital and it proved I was mad.
9. When your children are well behaved, reward them with a few words of praise or encouragement, a hug, or a privilege.
10. Nevertheless, supporting only the well behaved native extensions could already help many users.
11. Rubinius is a very well behaved C program in that it uses no globals or anything, allowing multiple copies of it to mingle in the same address space peacefully.
12. The fans have been very well behaved and South Africans have been great hosts," she added.
13. It was a perfect Great Hall of the People crowd: prominent, well behaved; all clappers, no complainers.
14. The above trends govern the technology transfer process by making certain types of technologies available to well behaved states.
15. Parents take their responsibilities to their children very seriously, and their children are often strikingly well behaved.
16. I didn't know him very well and I despised him for being well behaved and creeping around telling stories about me.
17. Functions which are continuous on an interval are usually regarded as especially well behaved.
18. The researchers concluded that children quaffing the cocktail containing tartrazine from both age groups were less well behaved than those who had been downing the placebo.
19. Bear in mind that all applications might not be as well behaved as DayTrader from a connection management perspective[], and therefore might use more than one connection per thread.
20. The wise womens gifts were all fulfilled on the girl, for she was so beautiful, well behaved, friendly, and intelligent that everyone who saw her had to love her.
21. And the tens of thousands of mainly young Spaniards camped out in city squares have been impeccably well behaved.sentence dictionary
22. Your strategy, therefore, must rely on ensuring that each application is well behaved, with respect to its use of JVM heap resources.
23. I'm pretty quiet most of the time, and very well behaved.
24. "I don't have any pets. I just have pet robots, and they're pretty well behaved," Mr.
25. He sometimes messes up card games so he's pretty well behaved.
26. That monk with a mind consumed and overpowered by gain, honor and fame belittles other well behaved monks.
27. The class loader does a number of checks on the bytecodes of the class to ensure that it is well formed and well behaved.
More similar words: behavemisbehavefall behindbehaviorbehavioralmisbehaviourwell-bredbehalfon behalf ofhavehavenshavehave tohave onwellhave sexdwellswellhave a ballfarewellas wellengravedbereaveddepravedclose shavedwellerdwell onwell knownwell-knownleave behind
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