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Vastly in a sentence

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Sentence count:211+4Posted:2017-04-13Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: immenselySimilar words: ghastlycostlymostlyvastbristlyhonestlypriestlymodestlyMeaning: ['vɑːstlɪ]  adv. to an exceedingly great extent or degree. 
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121. There are edges or discontinuities everywhere, and gardens are like vastly extended woodland edge.
122. But the total amount of helium-3 in Uranus and Neptune is vastly larger than this paltry sum.
123. Even without him, the force against which Rodrigo now found himself ranged was vastly superior to his own.
124. Severing the umbilical cord between landlords and peasants vastly increased the proportion of the population for which the centre was directly responsible.
125. Although such a view constitutes the theory, the reality is vastly different.
126. Their untrained but nervous eyes, and rumour, vastly exaggerated both the ferocity and size of the advancing army.
127. A similar scholarly consensus exists over the Nationalists' vastly greater success in dealing with internal factionalism.
128. Nevertheless, the vastly expanded social contacts removed a shield of isolation from village life.
129. High-ranking officers were only too willing to pay vastly inflated prices for a little judicious alteration and improvement to their standard uniforms.
130. The population of Liverpool has vastly reduced since the so-called Labour party policy took over our great city.
131. This story is vastly more complex, diverse,( and entertaining than its fictional counterparts.
132. Can this be the beginning of the end for vastly over priced computer training courses?
133. AID-funded program that provides scholarships to girls in the Sharasti Upazila area has demonstrated the same point on a vastly larger scale.
134. On one level, it is vastly entertaining and a rattling good read.
135. A vastly increased supply of turf and logs was required for the many fires the occasion demanded.
136. And satellite technology has vastly expanded long-distance broadcast communications,[] especially television.
137. These three actions are vastly superior to breaking a habit by will-power alone.
138. With our vastly improved materials, adhesives and security technology, perhaps the new clock has an even greater chance of survival?
139. That was written in 1946, since when pressure on the curriculum has vastly increased.
140. His letters of advice and consolation entertained me vastly.
141. Globalisation has vastly increased the opportunities for such business.
142. I vow, child, you are vastly handsome.
143. I awoke vastly invigorated and rather irritable.
144. First, the U.S. has entered a severe recession that is already leading to deflationary forces in sectors where supply vastly exceeds demand (housing, consumer durables, motor vehicles, etc.).
145. This is one of the strongest predictors of rates of protein evolution known, indicating that this dual coding role is vastly more influential than previously believed.
146. It vastly complicates his attempts to defuse Iran's nuclear program.
147. In addition, many versions of Linux will load the entire flat file into memory during the grep run, vastly enhancing the performance on subsequent runs.
148. Each of these has vastly different balance sheet and income account characteristics.
149. Treating this much larger group with ART would have been vastly more expensive, and that burden would have continued to grow over the next decade.
150. The Internet architecture today is vastly different from that envisioned when TCP/IP was designed.
More similar words: ghastlycostlymostlyvastbristlyhonestlypriestlymodestlyunjustlyearnestlycastledevastatedevastationdevastatingcastle in the aircarry coals to Newcastleplaster castvasecanvasvassalcanvassevasiveevasioncrevassepervasivevascularinvasioninvasivepervasioncanvassing
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