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Vaguely in a sentence

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Sentence count:154+14Posted:2017-03-07Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: mistilySimilar words: vagueplagueleaguebeleaguercolleagueuniquelyobliquelybrusquelyMeaning: adv. in a vague way. 
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61. Susan could see a gaslamp vaguely in the murk, and hear the clip of hooves on cobblestones.
62. I found this vaguely reassuring; a short, sharp death seemed preferable to a long, slow chewing underwater.
63. There is indeed something vaguely McCarthyite about demanding every candidate sign a pledge lest they be denounced.
64. Hadn't she seen something like this once before? she thought vaguely.
65. Once I heard two calling to each other across a valley, a weird sound, vaguely resembling a baboon's bark.
66. Some one unfamiliar with content can only vaguely explain whether your content is clear.
67. The other was of a man, plumpish and vaguely familiar.
68. Do not let their meanings slip by, only vaguely perceived in your reading.
69. He smelled vaguely of joss sticks, and his long, straggly hair was flecked with dandruff.
70. I was vaguely aware that junior was trying to persuade the others to do something.
71. Although the old Victorian building with its spine of hutted wards was a vaguely familiar place, it was by no means home.
72. She still vaguely remembered her father, a distant figure who was barely ever there.
73. What I have been referring to vaguely as the knowledge system, Fodor calls the central systems.
74. She could vaguely remember Annabel and Miranda's visit, but Clare hadn't come.
75. He vaguely remembered her name from the literary magazines, where she was quite well thought of.
76. The white has vaguely sweetish, Gewurztraminer-like aroma and flavor and is also very mild and light on the palate.
77. She was convinced the defector he referred to vaguely was important and Urquhart was her only source of information about him.
78. The mantelpiece above was crowded with gleaming brasses(, which she vaguely made out as candlesticks.
79. I vaguely recalled that Amin had named one of his sons after him.
80. His eyes were closed behind thick glasses, and his expression was prayerful and vaguely pained.
81. It felt as if Mariah, in leaving, had walked into a forest he vaguely comprehended as eve-one else.
82. He remained too personally committed to the values of the Council and to a certain vaguely liberal spirit.
83. People should never assume they know anyone even vaguely from movies and television.
84. He could hear the siren, was vaguely conscious of a flickering blue light.
85. He also noted, vaguely, that her offer of one of his favorite sweets had no appeal.
86. He prods another pawn vaguely into play against the gathering might of my bishop and knights.
87. A whole street of houses had been demolished to make way for the edifice looming above her, Isabel vaguely recalled hearing.
88. A dazed Fourth Aunt lay in bed,[] vaguely aware that some one was tugging on her arm.
89. He was vaguely aware of another figure but the slant of the heat haze made him unsure.
90. Woodruffe was vaguely puzzled by the passivity of the police.
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