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Vaguely in a sentence

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Sentence count:154+14Posted:2017-03-07Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: mistilySimilar words: vagueplagueleaguebeleaguercolleagueuniquelyobliquelybrusquelyMeaning: adv. in a vague way. 
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31. I remember him very vaguely.
32. Italy vaguely resembles a boot.
33. Her face seems vaguely familiar , but I can't quite place her.
34. The voice on the line was vaguely familiar, but Crook couldn't place it at first.
35. Judith could vaguely remember her mother lying on the sofa.
36. That sounds vaguely immoral.
37. I vaguely remember snarling at someone who stepped on my foot.
38. I was vaguely aware of another figure by the door.
39. When he asked where the children were, she gestured vaguely in the direction of the beach.
40. I know her vaguely - we've exchanged hellos a few times.
41. I vaguely remember reading something about it in the paper.
42. His voice, warm and slightly drunk, sounded vaguely familiar.
43. She sounded dazed and vaguely surprised.
44. Audrey smiled vaguely at the ceiling.
45. He felt vaguely depressed and lost.
46. They are not even vaguely amusing.
47. They had all drifted away, she realised vaguely.
48. I was vaguely aware that my death was imminent.
49. Vaguely, without alarm, he wondered what was keeping her.
50. I found the whole situation vaguely upsetting.
51. The young man had seemed vaguely familiar.
52. Two vaguely serpentine exters detached themselves from the group.
53. The voice on the other end of the line was vaguely familiar.
54. Bob, who'd been a vet in the army,( vaguely remembered how to use a tourniquet.
55. Sheldukher angled the disrupter vaguely in the direction of the huddled mass of Chelonians and fired indiscriminately.
56. She was singing along to a tune on the radio that sounded vaguely familiar.
57. Vaguely he wondered when Siban was going to come to the point.
58. Life, she felt vaguely but powerfully,[] was more than fervent chats about great literature.
59. He seemed to take the place for granted, but I found it all vaguely unsettling.
60. Where before we saw only vaguely, now we begin to see things more clearly as we tread the esoteric path.
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