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Tuner in a sentence

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Sentence count:53Posted:2018-02-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: tunetunedtune uptune outin tunetune infortuneattuneMeaning: ['tuːnə(r) /'tju-]  n. 1. someone who tunes pianos 2. an electronic receiver that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted signals. 
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31 With the tap of a download button, your iPhone can become a flute, a medical device, a high-definition radio, a guitar tuner, a police radio scanner and 150, 000 other "things."
32 When a fellow piano tuner was ill, I took over his assignment of tuning a piano in a girls' boardinghouse.
33 How many pianos can one tuner tune in a day?
34 Built - in with radio tuner function which lets you preset 30 FM channels.
35 This auto reverse model has a 3 band tuner and Nude Twin - Turbo headphones.
36 The built - in Auto Chromatic Tuner also provides a Mute function for silent tuning.
37 Hardware designs the interface circuit between ATmegal280 and GPS. electronic compass, inclinometer, beacon receiver or digital tuner, including DC motor drive, button,( display peripheral circuits.
38 If the piano tuner could take reservations well in advance they could probably set up their schedule to minimize travel time.
39 It is equipped with a tuner and recorder and has a tape speed control function. Its remote control comes with an EL backlit LCD.
40 Sam, an unemployed piano tuner, said it was only the second thing he had ever won in his life.
41 The description of each operation includes a Query Tuner access path graph that explains its operational semantics.
42 TV monitor has no tuner and is not capable of receiving off-air or CATV signals without additional equipment.
43 Philippe: the Pianoteq history is strongly connected to my first job as a piano tuner.
44 The system of the device include Digital Audio Broadcasting Tuner, Radio Data System Encoder, Baseband Mixer, Subcarrier Modulator(, Frequency Modulation Modulator and Microprocessor.
45 A tuner, a detector, and an AF amplifier comprise the radio.
46 Therefore , the tuner is essential to the frequency modulation radio.
47 The technical difficulties of automatic antenna tuner of communicating system working on medium wave are addressed, with its detail hardware and software design presented.
48 The audio from the tuner ("raw audio") is amplified and fed to an echo chamber, where the spirits manipulate it to form their voices .
49 I got a real education in conditioning one day as I watched a piano tuner working on our new baby grand.
50 This paper reports the design and experiments of the low noise UHF electronic tuner consisting of a low noise dual-gate FET and a high merit silicon epitaxial varactor.
51 Purpose: FM RF amplifier and local oscillator of FM tuner.
52 The product of the company includes frequency of silicon tuner, demodulator, MPEG and video decoder, and dial in the light of what mothball channel applies modem.
53 Locate the tuner in a convenient location at the operating position.
More similar words: tunetunedtune uptune outin tunetune infortuneattunetune-uptunefulattunedneptuneout of tunetunelessfine-tuneopportunecall the tuneimportunemisfortuneto the tune ofgood fortuneinopportuneopportunelyfortune cookiefortunetellerfortune tellerfortune-tellerfortune tellingsignature tunefortune-telling
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