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Thirst for in a sentence

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Sentence count:65Posted:2017-02-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: thirstythirdfirstat firsttwo-thirdsfirst aidheadfirstfirst of all
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1. We all thirst for the same things.
2. He's always had a thirst for adventure.
3. Her thirst for knowledge will never be quenched.
4. He has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.
5. He had a great thirst for knowledge.
6. He had an unquenchable thirst for life.
7. Children show a real thirst for learning.
8. She had an insatiable thirst for attention.
9. Those who thirst for blood-and-thunder politics will support Woolton.
10. My thirst for knowledge had been slaked, surpassed by a hunger for cash.
11. Convinced that the general public had an unsatisfied thirst for knowledge, he took an active part in several educational activities.
12. Emerson took his thirst for new religion to the college circuit.
13. With the academic thirst for knowledge goes the academic's well-publicized thirst for alcoholic refreshment.
14. She warns of thirst for knowledge tipping over into dangerous greed, and of youthful promise lost for one fatal flaw.
15. For one so shy, he nursed an extraordinary thirst for attention.
16. Violent thirst for ice cold, and refreshing drinks; dry mouth and throat.
17. Kabir said he brought with him the thirst for the infinite.
18. While life as a sailor was harsh(, his thirst for the sea was not quenched.
19. I think I had the average child's thirst for blood and a more than average thirst for romance.
20. The thirst for exclusivity and recognition often is misguided, as it is in this instance.
21. Do you thirst for knowledge no matter the cost?
22. I have a thirst for knowledge. I love reading.
23. A good student a thirst for knowledge.
24. What about a person a thirst for knowledge?
25. Strong thirst for knowledge, and consciously updating our knowledge.
26. He has a thirst for knowledge.
27. It is the peculiarity of knowledge that those who really thirst for it always get it. 
27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
28. The local press are doing their best to satisfy the thirst for facts on the tournament and teams.
29. That led to a breakup with his sweetheart, who could not understand what he candidly admitted was a thirst for glory.
30. There are a lot of investment approaches, but nearly all winning stock pickers thirst for information on investing and on companies.
More similar words: thirstythirdfirstat firsttwo-thirdsfirst aidheadfirstfirst of allthird reichthird partyfirst prizefirst-aid kitat first sightthe first personfor the first timefirst and foremostin the first placefirst amendmentwistfullyex post factohirewhirrT-shirtbut foropt foract forwait forput forthplatformset forth
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