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Take in a sentence

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Sentence count:232+58Posted:2016-07-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: assumebringcapturecarrychooseconveygaingathergetguesshireinferinvolveleaseneedobtainpick outreceiverequireselectstandsupposeswallowAntonym: bringgiveSimilar words: staketake fortake offtake ontake outtake totake uptake awayMeaning: [teɪk]  n. 1. the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property 2. the act of photographing a scene or part of a scene without interruption. v. 1. carry out 2. require (time or space) 3. take somebody somewhere 4. get into one's hands, take physically 5. take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect 6. interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression 7. take something or somebody with oneself somewhere 8. take into one's possession 9. require as useful, just, or proper 10. pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives 11. travel or go by means of a certain kind of transportation, or a certain route 12. receive willingly something given or offered 13. assume, as of positions or roles 14. take into consideration for exemplifying purposes 15. experience or feel or submit to 16. make a film or photograph of something 17. remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract 18. serve oneself to, or consume regularly 19. accept or undergo, often unwillingly 20. make use of or accept for some purpose 21. take by force 22. occupy or take on 23. admit into a group or community 24. ascertain or determine by measuring, computing or take a reading from a dial 25. be a student of a certain subject 26. take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs 27. head into a specified direction 28. aim or direct at; as of blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment 29. be seized or affected in a specified way 30. have with oneself; have on one's person 31. engage for service under a term of contract 32. receive or obtain by regular payment 33. buy, select 34. to get into a position of having, e.g., safety, comfort 35. have sex with; archaic use 36. lay claim to; as of an idea 37. be designed to hold or take 38. be capable of holding or containing 39. develop a habit 40. proceed along in a vehicle 41. obtain by winning 42. be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness. 
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151. If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it from him.
152. We will take a chance to have the party outdoor.
153. The government brought in a controversial law under which it could take any land it wanted.
154. On screen Garbo had this great charisma so that you couldn't take your eyes off her.
155. You'll need to calculate how much time the assignment will take.
156. We hired a guide to take us up into the mountains.
157. A messenger was dispatched to take the news to the soldiers at the front.
158. He sent three scouts ahead to take a look at the bridge.
159. She doesn't usually take part in any of the class activities.
160. You must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information that you provide is correct.
161. Student grants these days are paltry, and many students have to take out loans.
162. It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.
163. The UN had been co-operating with the State Department on a plan to find countries willing to take the refugees.
164. Everything is a blur when I take my glasses off.
165. The decisions we take now may influence the course of events in the future.
166. We underestimated the time it would take to get there.
167. Take my advice – string along with me[], I know this business inside out.
168. We hadn't booked a hotel so we had to take pot luck.
169. They induced her to take the job by promising editorial freedom.
170. Bring your baby to the clinic and we'll take a look at her.
171. We would like to take this opportunity to convey our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims.
171. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
172. Could you bundle up these clothes? I'll take them to the post.
173. Do not take it for granted that the board of the directors will approve of the plan.
174. People who take part in sports must be in condition.
175. Affectionate birthday greetings.Birthday means a new beginning and a new chance to take hold on life.
176. Six theatre companies have been selected to take part in this year's festival.
177. From now on, I will expect nothing, and just take what I get.
178. The government must take action now to stop the rise in violent crime.
179. Take advantage of weekends to pretend you're happy for a couple days.
180. The government has threatened to take military action if the rebels do not withdraw from the area.
More similar words: staketake fortake offtake ontake outtake totake uptake awaytake caretake downtake overtake timetake aftertake placetake aparttake the roadtake turnstake note oftake care ofundertakeby mistaketake actiontake it easytake the leadtake chargetake part intake effecttake a chancetake pride intake notice of
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