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Swung in a sentence

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Sentence count:275+22Posted:2017-04-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: snow underyoungtungsungbunglungwrungfungi
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151. Ludo swung his club at him with all that strength he hardly knows he possesses.
152. Perturbed, he swung the cleaver viciously, chopping fowl after fowl into pieces.
153. Suddenly he swung up close to my port side, waggling his wings frantically and pointing downwards.
154. Golden hoops swung from her ears and she wore a fine gold chain around her neck.
155. Alstroemeria; aquilegia - but the sound of footsteps behind her penetrated her numbness, and she swung round.
156. So he swung between extremes of mood, darkened towards the end by the death of cherished friends.
157. Molby swung in the free-kick and Saunders met it perfectly with his head on the near post to score a spectacular goal.
158. And those watching Forcibles swung their empty stares around the nearly deserted bar, then wheeled their tight formation and clumped out.
159. If that crossroads was lost, then Napoleon would have successfully swung the two doors apart.
160. Eventually the grille swung away from the iron chair, and the helmet from his head, releasing Lexandro.
161. Briony crammed the cap low over her brow as if to express solid determination, then swung round and left the room.
162. It was hinged on top and it swung back, and I caught the scent of the dead man in the bathtub.
163. At lunch another truck swung into the parking lot, and we ate burritos and prepackaged sandwiches.
164. Pressing the gas pedal to the floor, he swung the car out and began to overtake.
165. He finally turned to her, shook his head slowly from side to side and swung back to contemplate the dusk.
166. Dad steadied the bottom of the ladder but it still swung about a bit which really frightened me.
167. Theodora swung her leather valise from the car boot into the dimly lit entrance hall.
168. As if she felt her sister's gaze, Susan swung round on the piano-stool and asked her to sing come carols.
169. As he drew level with the double gates, they swung open.
170. She swung her legs out of bed and reached for her dressing gown.
171. It was precisely twelve midnight when the doors swung open to the emergency hall, and Hoppy carried his patient inside.
172. His car, led by a police escort, swung in past the craggy statue of Field Marshal Montgomery.
173. Elinor narrowed her eyes and swung her straight black hair out behind her like a scarf.
174. Tom swung the graveyard gate to one side and Sammy shot through jumping and barking in the puddles.
175. I swung my boots up on to the bed and stretched out full length. First of all, I was not dead.
176. The sun was on his back as he swung himself over her and her long legs parted in expectation.
177. A slender pointed cellular disrupter swung out on skeletal brackets.
178. The girl swung her eyes to the window and flushed with guilty embarrassment.
179. When she swung into the leafy driveway at Cultra, she was relieved to find no other vehicle there.
180. At the hospital George Cummings swung aside the ambulance door and pulled out a girl still in her white party dress.
More similar words: snow underyoungtungsungbunglungwrungfungilungeclungstungplungegrungehung upsprungloungestrunghungryjunglebunglehungeryoung manyoungestdungeonpungentexpungefar-flungwith youngyoungsterbungalow
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