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Supported in a sentence

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Sentence count:274+25Posted:2017-06-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: supportersupportsupportivein support ofsupportablechild supportimportedpurportedMeaning: [sə'pɔrt /-'pɔːt]  adj. 1. sustained or maintained by aid (as distinct from physical support) 2. held up or having the weight borne especially from below. 
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(211) If by history is meant accurate accounts of past events supported by evidence, they are certainly not that.
(212) Some middle-class voters have supported the Labour Party and about one-third of working-class voters have traditionally cast their ballots for Conservative candidates.
(213) This seems a clear example of his allegiance to popular dissent against the Church and social elite who supported the Restoration.
(214) He supported the demand for private farmers to be allowed the use of firearms to combat rising crime against them.
(215) Berlusconi wants a new broadly supported government to look into constitutional reforms.
(216) Legislators who supported the right to abortion immediately took steps to negate the effects of the Rust v. Sullivan ruling.
(217) I knew that the press was doing a selling job when we supported a newly arrived unit from Hawaii.
(218) You are also asked to keep your church leaders informed of your involvement so that they can ensure you are adequately supported.
(219) These activities supported high-stakes gambling, for example,( on the outcome of fights between selectively bred bull terriers.
(220) Cattle fattening on the coastal marshes supported a prosperous peasantry as in Lincolnshire.
(221) But if the plea can be supported by a finding of guilt alone, a defendant might escape punishment altogether.
(222) Later work, including a recent ESRC- supported investigation by Sugden and Starmer, has tended to confirm these predictions.
(223) The General Household Survey in 1979 found that only 20 percent of economically active married men supported a dependent wife and children.
(224) The two bodies lay under canvas sheets on wickerwork mats supported by wooden trestles.
(225) They were ably supported by the Corradini Ensemble and the University Singers, two groups made up of current students.
(226) A wide range of software is supported, including specialist statistical packages, databases, and software for computer modelling.
(227) Modern houses have their joists supported in metal brackets and do not enter the brickwork.
(228) Bellow supported Roth's early work,( and Roth's work was to bear a resemblance to Bellow's.
(229) Supported Ethernet gateway configurations are similar to those currently supported by 3174 Token Ring gateway configurations.
(230) The other four domes are supported in a like manner and short barrel vaults connect one dome to another.
(231) While Eckstrom and Bronson both supported Grijalva for board chairman, there was considerable debate over that position among the three Demos.
(232) The second alternative is supported to some extent by the coinage.
(233) The alternative for Clinton is to adopt a slower approach supported by the Pentagon and many in the White House.
(234) The Commissioner supported the application and a solicitor was appointed.
(235) Daily running checks need to be made and these checks must be supported by a workable maintenance system.
(236) Our campaign against drug abuse is supported by the medical profession.
(237) Last week their friends and relatives staged a demonstration alleging that police covered up evidence that would have supported that claim.
(238) Fiona Explains how she coped with pressure and David explains how everyone supported each other.
(239) The marches were little more than an escape valve for an establishment broadly supported in its basest enterprises by the mainstream.
(240) When he brushed his cheek against hers or supported her waist in multiple pirouettes the sensual heat was unmissable.
More similar words: supportersupportsupportivein support ofsupportablechild supportimportedpurportedreportedlypurportedlydecision support systemrapportporteropportuneapportionapportionedportentportendopportunityinopportuneopportunistreporterapportionmentopportunisticportentousporterhouseabortedopportunity costreapportionmentportentously
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