Similar words: weinberg, steinbeck, john steinbeck, albert einstein, tinbergen, epstein-barr virus, bernstein, leonard bernstein. Meaning: n. United States cartoonist (born in Romania) noted for his caricatures of famous people (1914-1999).
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1. Steinberg directed Argonne's chemistry division from 1982 to 1988.
2. Mr. Steinberg Is the Minister aware that in my constituency, because of Government policy, little house building has taken place?
3. And perhaps even more important, Steinberg and his colleagues sought the key factors in the lives of students who did achieve.
4. Mr Steinberg is respected on both sides of the former Clinton - Obama divide.
5. Steinberg said President Hu's recent visit to the United States fully shows to the outside world the positive aspects of bilateral relations and extensiveness of their cooperation.
5. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
6. China's choice of role, says Jim Steinberg, America's deputy secretary of state, is "the great question of our time".
7. Steinberg noted that the agreement will soon face a number of crucial tests, including national elections set for February.
8. Steinberg and Khrustalev's The Fall of the Romanovs has more bite.
9. Mr. Steinberg also be involved in negotiations with the Chinese, a senior official said.
10. Laurence Steinberg is a psychology professor at Temple University in Philadelphia.
11. Meanwhile US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg has said China's relationship with North Korea seems to have cooled recently, since Pyongyang's latest nuclear test.
12. To Steinberg, this shows clearly that risk-taking rises not from puny thinking but from a higher regard for reward.
13. Steinberg said the United States has been "deeply engaged with China and Russia" to sustain the effort to keep the diplomatic track open.
14. When teens drive the course alone, in what Steinberg calls the emotionally "cool" situation of an empty room, they take risks at about the same rates that adults do.
15. "That's really a small fraction of what we need and what market potential would justify," Steinberg said.
16. China and the United States are working together to find solutions to some of the more "vexing problems" that confront the Northeast Asian region, Steinberg said of the upcoming security talks.
17. "Now the stage is set to embark on what I term the third stage of our rapprochement," Steinberg said.
18. "This budget is the most austere fiscal blueprint California has seen in more than a generation, " state Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg told reporters Monday.
19. This result should contribute to the ongoing debate over the various interpretations of quantum theory, " said Steinberg.
20. In addition to his diagrammatic drawings of time and space, Saul Steinberg could render Fifth Avenue or the interior of a theater with a flourish of details that testified to his presence.
21. He has seen people staggering into the camps, "receiving their first nutritious meal in months, " Steinberg said.
22. "He's recognized that California's a pretty moderate place, " says Darrell Steinberg, the Democratic president pro tem of the Senate.
23. "We are happy we are back at the table," Andrew Steinberg, assistant secretary of transportation for international affairs, told USINFO.
24. "We want to be a true partner with the Chinese," Steinberg said.
25. "La Fornarina," the renowned art historian and MacArthur fellow Leo Steinberg explains, "is the closest thing to soft porn in the high Renaissance."
26. Next week, a delegation, led by Deputy Secretary of State James B. Steinberg, will travel to Seoul and Tokyo to brief officials there on the Hu visit.
27. "Tiger Woods is financially sound and strong, contrary to wide-ranging rumors and inaccurate figures in the media, " Steinberg wrote in an email.
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