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Stalwart in a sentence

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Sentence count:49+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-11-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: boldbravecourageousfirmgallantheroicpotentpowerfulrobustruggedstrongsturdyvaliantSimilar words: alwaysinstallstartcrystalcoastalstarterstart upstart onMeaning: ['stɔːlwə(r)t]  n. a person who is loyal to their allegiance (especially in times of revolt). adj. 1. having rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardships 2. dependable 3. used especially of persons. 
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1. Let me introduce Bob, one of the club's stalwart.
2. She has been a stalwart supporter of the party for many years.
3. Rob's a stalwart of the school's chess club.
4. Only stalwart supporters of the team stayed to the end of the match.
5. Jesse Helms, stalwart of the Republican far right.
6. Only the stalwart, the dedicated, or the mad, remain.
7. Stalwart policemen stood guard outside.
8. Perhaps he could count on Paul Quinn, a stalwart of the 9: 15 liturgy planning team.
9. They are her stalwart supporters in a dosed, oppressive world.
10. Before that occurred, however, another old stalwart from the teaching staff retired.
11. Another stalwart is Professor Charles Handy,( who commands much respect in secular circles.
12. Fritz was maid, butler, and errand boy, the stalwart ninny who never spoke a word of complaint.
13. Opera Chorus, under William Vendice's stalwart hand, brought a bit of needed oomph to an otherwise bland evening.
14. One old stalwart who stuck with the whole match contracted such a severe cold that he died of exposure.
15. He bestrode me like some stalwart saint of old, defending my prone body with buckler and flaming sword.
16. If our culture was hard-won, the stalwart conservatism of her background made Roundhay a den of Bohemian anarchists in comparison.
17. A lucky stalwart might gain the patronage of some powerful upper-hab clan or even of a noble.
18. Here a couple of stalwart ladies were engaged in every sort of culinary preparation for the party the following day.
19. A stalwart knight, I ween, was he.
20. You are a stalwart man.
21. The prince is tall and stalwart.
22. Two stalwart girls came down the library steps and out through one of the iron gates.
23. I would have given a good deal to have the stalwart Lord Byron by me, armed with the handgun.
24. She could see the lake behind the motel through the stalwart line of trees.
24. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
25. Goldman typically has shied away from risky startups, preferring to stick with more stalwart institutions such as Chevron Corp.
26. She skirted a hen house, not in its first youth but stalwart enough to keep out foxes.
27. Few people could have made a less favorable impression or turned out to be such a stalwart ally.
28. That man possessed an absolutely deadly charm - a charm that could make a prisoner of the most stalwart heart.
29. To the extent the Shiites feel attacks, Iran will be seen as a stalwart coreligionist ally.
30. The latter caught in a glance the dimensions of a very stalwart figure.
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