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Squash in a sentence

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Sentence count:166+11Posted:2017-04-07Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: crushmashpresssquelchsuppressSimilar words: squashedquashquasiquasarsquawsquaresquallsquadMeaning: [skwɑʃ /skwɒʃ]  n. 1. any of numerous annual trailing plants of the genus Cucurbita grown for their fleshy edible fruits 2. edible fruit of a squash plant; eaten as a vegetable 3. a game played in an enclosed court by two or four players who strike the ball with long-handled rackets. v. to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition. 
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91. Each day the boys would take the two-mile walk to the squash courts in Peshawar.
92. I am a squash player, albeit a very average one.
93. Both have been suffering from a surfeit of squash, according to the man who manages them, Norman Norrington.
94. A swimming pool and toddlers pool, squash courts, health suite and multi-gym.
95. Peel off the tough outer skin of the silk squash, or top and tail the courgettes.
96. I would be playing the greatest squash player ever in 12 hours' time.
97. This is Sue Wright, one of the world's top squash players.
98. I coddle the beets, radishes, and yellow squash, pamper the chives and basil; overindulge the tomatoes.
99. I am married, but I have somehow slipped into an affair with a man at our local squash club.
100. Swallow's interests away from work lie in such outdoor activities as skiing and hillwalking, as well as playing squash.
101. I discovered later that it was only the orange squash that had been spiked with gin.
102. Somebody hides, then everybody looks for that person and, when they find them,[] they squash in with them.
103. Saut ed green and yellow squash spears and an intriguing pear-shaped centerpiece of crusted mashed potatoes rounded out the platter.
104. Enough to squash Christine, and anyone else in the vicinity, against the wall like bugs.
105. Bake in preheated oven until meat of squash is just cooked through, 45 to 50 minutes.
106. It also includes five squash courts, a weight training room, and a sauna.
107. Mr Braithwaite drained off his lime squash and added a couple of jiggers of rum to his empty glass.
108. Pumpkin pie fans will enjoy the butternut squash puree touched with cinnamon.
109. Stephen asked Christina for a splash of rum in his lime squash and Michael Stein followed suit.
110. Squashing a bad girl is like trying to squash a bluebottle.
111. So the Center Parcs leisure experience includes playing badminton, squash or tennis wreathed in the fog of a hundred Silk Cuts.
112. On Sunday he played squash and on weekday mornings he jogged for twenty minutes before work.
113. Both dishes come with a choice of two sides. Pumpkin pie fans will enjoy the butternut squash puree touched with cinnamon.
114. Then my father would light a candle and we would all swat, stamp and squash as many as we could.
115. Roz keeps her squash kit at the office and plays at lunchtime.
116. Swimming incorporates all three aspects, and a good squash player depends more on suppleness and stamina.
117. The chairman acted quickly to squash rumours of a takeover bid.
118. Her lawyers acted quickly to squash any of her husband's claims on her property.
119. The International Squash Rackets Federation will introduce random drug testing at next year's world championships.
120. Squash and green beans sustained the worst damage, with 50 percent 70 percent, respectively, of these crops lost.
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