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Spreadsheet in a sentence

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Sentence count:125+3Posted:2017-05-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: spreadspread outspreaderbedspreadwidespreadoverspreadspread oversheetMeaning: ['spredʃɪːt]  n. a screen-oriented interactive program enabling a user to lay out financial data on the screen. 
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61, So then a spreadsheet is like a huge calculation sheet.
62, Using Electronic Spreadsheet, the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis for a kind of decision problems are integrated by these models and the method.
63, Use the attendance spreadsheet to collate and review each student's attendance counsellor attendance records.
64, This list will include columns and data from the spreadsheet that you specify.
65, The basic format used is that of a worksheet which allows the student to construct their own accounting models using various spreadsheet packages.
66, If you have mean time to failure and mean time to recovery information, enter that and the spreadsheet will calculate the availability for you in the "Calculated availability contributions" lines.
67, With data validation, you can be assured that there are no invalid data inside your spreadsheet.
68, A scrupulously maintained trader's spreadsheet is an active learning tool.
69, Use an Excel or Google spreadsheet, even just pencil and paper, to tally up all your cash, bonds, stocks, funds and other investments.
70, To view the data directly, make sure the spreadsheet is stored using zero compression from the Gnumeric preferences.
71, But the advantages of an electronic spreadsheet soon became apparent, and this single software package was a principal motivator in the growth of microcomputer use.
72, Jane takes those files and creates one consolidated spreadsheet file which she then sends back to her staff and to her executive manager.
73, The simulation was wildly successful as the first global spreadsheet.
74, The infinite spreadsheet is product birthed out from this matured environment.
75, It describes in detail how to simulate chemical kinetics on a spreadsheet.
76, Either manually generate the metric or use a spreadsheet to assist in testing some example calculations before you enshrine it within your dashboard application.
77, We could label the menu after the type of documents the application processes. For example, a spreadsheet application might label its leftmost menu Sheet.
77, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
78, This spreadsheet will quickly convert the reading into tension and also produce a graphic illustration showing the spoke tension balance.
79, Infinite spreadsheet has demonstrated that a deterministic system can be build to help us in achieving rational behavior to stabilize the economy, which is the first step in social science.
80, Table Analysis Tools for Excel: This add-in provides easy-to-use tools that leverage SQL Server 2008 data mining features to perform powerful analytics on your spreadsheet data.
81, When a spreadsheet is inserted using this method, it is already in edit mode.
82, Going from one fully maximized spreadsheet to another fully maximized spreadsheet is powerful and effective.
83, Used spreadsheet and statistical software packages to analyze financial data , spot trends, and develop forecasts.
84, The Spreadsheet control supports the vector forms but not the array forms.
85, This method accepts five arguments: the row index, the column index, the cell value, the spreadsheet key, and the worksheet key.
86, As users resize the formula bar, it pushes down the grid instead of overlapping it, so that spreadsheet content is never obscured.
87, KParts is the new object framework used in KOffice for embedding documents into other documents, such as embedding a spreadsheet object from KSpread into a KWord (the word processor) document.
88, Keep records - Often, the most helpful way of keeping track of your findings, is by listing them in an electronic spreadsheet.
89, Spreadsheet applications that support XHTML format can use this format to open the report data.
90, You could make deposits by entering them in the correct cell of the spreadsheet, and see the current balance and accumulated interest in another cell.
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